Friday, July 28, 2017
I Think it is Awesome that our Kidneys are in a NEW location. Now they are not subject to cold winds, people stilling them and they are just better up higher and near the heart, right? If you don't know your Kidneys moved, Google Kidney Anatomy
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
"You can literally ‘walk’ through time". "t we take our experience of reality as fundamentally true and absolute." It is Not, it is Subjective.
"We are not yet able to give a meaningful definition of reality – whether our own or otherwise – but we can be certain of certain ways we experience reality or realities.
One of the most basic aspects, which in some way can be seen as problematic, is that we take our experience of reality as fundamentally true and absolute. Except in cases where we think we are losing our heads, we do not question our reality and we certainly do not perceive it as being relative – that is, one reality out of an multiple or infinite number of alternatives.
This is the way we are cognitively wired up and in a way it makes functional and evolutionary sense. We need to make sense of our external environment by having more or less stable patterns of how we perceive reality.
Although it’s OK to appreciate this fact objectively from a detached point of view, the problem is that most of us are subjectively blinkered to believe that what you see is what you get with no questions ever asked.
The Tragedy of Being Locked in One Absolute Reality
The way we perceive our reality is crucial and fundamental to our own living and survival both individually and collectively. Conflict, war and genocides were born out of interpreting the current reality according to one’s ideologies, beliefs and twisted historical facts no matter how irrational or insane they were.
Cultures are separated by different collective interpretations of reality and each one believes without question that their ‘reality’ is true and absolute. In our modern day world, for instance, we do not often realize how we are living a consensual reality of unconscious consumerist madness. We just feel that’s pretty normal and the way it is…but clearly it is not…it is just a constructed and warped reality in which we were molded.
Moving Forward: From a Flat World to the Multiverse
On a more positive note, there has been a kind of slow historical drift or movement in Science, Philosophy and Culture towards the appreciation that reality is pluralistic. That means that the way we perceive and experience reality can be different for different people, cultures and timelines.
Beyond this, Science has since the dawn of Quantum physics opened up its doors to the theoretical possibility of parallel Universes or what is often referred to as the Multiverse.
All these conceptual advances are starting to reshape the way we look at the nature of reality. What was unquestionable now becomes a subject of scrutiny and what was taken as absolute is now considered as a matter of degrees. This for me is the advancement of human knowledge.
One can now talk openly about the possibility of parallel realities and parallel timelines without feeling embarrassed or threatened by cynics and bigots…well at least to some extent.
So let us talk clearly and openly – new discussions need to open up and evolve.
There is now some general consensus even in scientific circles such as in Cosmology, Quantum and Theoretical Physics and Astronomy that there are multiple realities – not just different interpretations – but real objective realities that differ from each other either minutely or completely.
The basic idea behind the so-called Multiverse theory, supported by eminent proponents such as Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Max Tegmark and Michio Kaku among others, is that there are other Universes outside our own that follow the same laws of physics but have different configurations. This means that there are possibly Universes that have evolved exactly as our own albeit minute details. This means that there could be a Universe where you exist or have existed through the same historical timeline with some minor insignificant variations – such as where you wouldn’t have had small pox when you were a kid or one in which you chose not to sit for a particular exam.
More interestingly is the ‘many worlds interpretation’ in Quantum physics, which in short says that certain observations cannot be predicted in absolute terms since there is a range of possible observations with a different probability and each of these observations corresponds to a different Universe. On a macro level, the implication of this is that every choice, action or interaction you make is a range of possible outcomes that collapse into one in your current timeline. However all the other possible range of choices or actions would have been carried out in a parallel timeline – in a parallel Universe where a Parallel you would experienced a different set of circumstances and carried out different choices.
The big question is now whether these parallel realities and timelines experienced by different versions of yourself are just possible realities out there or are they realities we can connect to, exchange information with and possibly switch from one timeline to another.
Weird as it may sound, there are people who theorise that we sometimes ‘switch realities’ without knowing because it happens in an instant and the variation is so small that goes unnoticed.
I’m not sure about this point of view but what I am very confident about is the idea that our consciousness may be experiencing multiple timelines at some higher dimension. I do not want to get sidetracked by my ideas about consciousness but in short I subscribe to the point of view that our consciousness is layered over multiple dimensions of reality at the same time although we mostly experience this third dimensional reality.
Some non-ordinary states of consciousness such as those experienced through certain entheogens give you the ability to experience your multidimensional consciousness.
You access higher dimensional states of yourself transcending beyond time, your limited views of reality and beyond your ordinary sense of self.
You can access information about your future because at even one higher dimension than our own, there is no unilinear direction of time.
You can literally ‘walk’ through time in the same way you walk through space. At even higher dimensions, it is very possible to ‘walk’ through all possible timelines at once. It is like jumping from one version of yourself to another.
I believe that this is why we can sometimes have precognitive dreams or Deja-vu because information from our consciousness at a higher dimensions seeps through our normal waking consciousness or in dreams.
So the question is whether we can access information from a higher dimensional level of our consciousness which is experiencing different timelines of ourselves. In other words, can we ‘meet’ other versions of ourselves and experience or learn alternative possibilities. Think for example of the possibility of seeing how a more entrepreneurial or creative version of yourself behaves. How does she or he think, talk, walk, behave in certain situations. What habits would he or she have? and so on.
Making the Quantum Leap
Interestingly there are people like Burt Goldman who has spent his entire life exploring and teaching others about this possibility through a program called ‘Quantum Jumping‘. He believes that there are certain methods we can use to ‘get in touch’ with alternate versions of ourselves and get inspired to change and to acquire those traits which our parallel self possesses.
Imagine for example meeting the explorer version of yourself or the best-selling book author. What would you learn? What aspects of his or her personality would you like to brush off on you?
Fantastical as it may sound, I do have an inner conviction that there is so much potential to discover about shifting our consciousness and realities we still know little or nothing about. Just look at the way we sometimes get stuck in a flat reality with little possibilities on the horizon. We then make a shift in consciousness – our reality and the way we experience changes completely.
Our horizons expand and we start seeing opportunities we weren’t seeing before. We get energized and start doing things we never thought possible. This seems like literally quantum jumping to another version of our self.
What makes this shift?
What makes us jump? How did we bend our reality?
These questions are definitely important and ones we should keep on asking. Let’s keep on talking about this possibilities and as the saying goes – Give yourself a chance to be yourself….or perhaps other versions of yourself.
Gilbert Ross "
One of the most basic aspects, which in some way can be seen as problematic, is that we take our experience of reality as fundamentally true and absolute. Except in cases where we think we are losing our heads, we do not question our reality and we certainly do not perceive it as being relative – that is, one reality out of an multiple or infinite number of alternatives.
This is the way we are cognitively wired up and in a way it makes functional and evolutionary sense. We need to make sense of our external environment by having more or less stable patterns of how we perceive reality.
Although it’s OK to appreciate this fact objectively from a detached point of view, the problem is that most of us are subjectively blinkered to believe that what you see is what you get with no questions ever asked.
The Tragedy of Being Locked in One Absolute Reality
The way we perceive our reality is crucial and fundamental to our own living and survival both individually and collectively. Conflict, war and genocides were born out of interpreting the current reality according to one’s ideologies, beliefs and twisted historical facts no matter how irrational or insane they were.
Cultures are separated by different collective interpretations of reality and each one believes without question that their ‘reality’ is true and absolute. In our modern day world, for instance, we do not often realize how we are living a consensual reality of unconscious consumerist madness. We just feel that’s pretty normal and the way it is…but clearly it is not…it is just a constructed and warped reality in which we were molded.
Moving Forward: From a Flat World to the Multiverse
On a more positive note, there has been a kind of slow historical drift or movement in Science, Philosophy and Culture towards the appreciation that reality is pluralistic. That means that the way we perceive and experience reality can be different for different people, cultures and timelines.
Beyond this, Science has since the dawn of Quantum physics opened up its doors to the theoretical possibility of parallel Universes or what is often referred to as the Multiverse.
All these conceptual advances are starting to reshape the way we look at the nature of reality. What was unquestionable now becomes a subject of scrutiny and what was taken as absolute is now considered as a matter of degrees. This for me is the advancement of human knowledge.
One can now talk openly about the possibility of parallel realities and parallel timelines without feeling embarrassed or threatened by cynics and bigots…well at least to some extent.
So let us talk clearly and openly – new discussions need to open up and evolve.
There is now some general consensus even in scientific circles such as in Cosmology, Quantum and Theoretical Physics and Astronomy that there are multiple realities – not just different interpretations – but real objective realities that differ from each other either minutely or completely.
Infinite Worlds and Possibilities
The basic idea behind the so-called Multiverse theory, supported by eminent proponents such as Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Max Tegmark and Michio Kaku among others, is that there are other Universes outside our own that follow the same laws of physics but have different configurations. This means that there are possibly Universes that have evolved exactly as our own albeit minute details. This means that there could be a Universe where you exist or have existed through the same historical timeline with some minor insignificant variations – such as where you wouldn’t have had small pox when you were a kid or one in which you chose not to sit for a particular exam.
More interestingly is the ‘many worlds interpretation’ in Quantum physics, which in short says that certain observations cannot be predicted in absolute terms since there is a range of possible observations with a different probability and each of these observations corresponds to a different Universe. On a macro level, the implication of this is that every choice, action or interaction you make is a range of possible outcomes that collapse into one in your current timeline. However all the other possible range of choices or actions would have been carried out in a parallel timeline – in a parallel Universe where a Parallel you would experienced a different set of circumstances and carried out different choices.
Connecting the Parallel Lines through Higher Dimensional Consciousness
The big question is now whether these parallel realities and timelines experienced by different versions of yourself are just possible realities out there or are they realities we can connect to, exchange information with and possibly switch from one timeline to another.
Weird as it may sound, there are people who theorise that we sometimes ‘switch realities’ without knowing because it happens in an instant and the variation is so small that goes unnoticed.
I’m not sure about this point of view but what I am very confident about is the idea that our consciousness may be experiencing multiple timelines at some higher dimension. I do not want to get sidetracked by my ideas about consciousness but in short I subscribe to the point of view that our consciousness is layered over multiple dimensions of reality at the same time although we mostly experience this third dimensional reality.
Some non-ordinary states of consciousness such as those experienced through certain entheogens give you the ability to experience your multidimensional consciousness.
You access higher dimensional states of yourself transcending beyond time, your limited views of reality and beyond your ordinary sense of self.
You can access information about your future because at even one higher dimension than our own, there is no unilinear direction of time.
You can literally ‘walk’ through time in the same way you walk through space. At even higher dimensions, it is very possible to ‘walk’ through all possible timelines at once. It is like jumping from one version of yourself to another.
Meeting your Other Selves
I believe that this is why we can sometimes have precognitive dreams or Deja-vu because information from our consciousness at a higher dimensions seeps through our normal waking consciousness or in dreams.
So the question is whether we can access information from a higher dimensional level of our consciousness which is experiencing different timelines of ourselves. In other words, can we ‘meet’ other versions of ourselves and experience or learn alternative possibilities. Think for example of the possibility of seeing how a more entrepreneurial or creative version of yourself behaves. How does she or he think, talk, walk, behave in certain situations. What habits would he or she have? and so on.
Making the Quantum Leap
Interestingly there are people like Burt Goldman who has spent his entire life exploring and teaching others about this possibility through a program called ‘Quantum Jumping‘. He believes that there are certain methods we can use to ‘get in touch’ with alternate versions of ourselves and get inspired to change and to acquire those traits which our parallel self possesses.
Imagine for example meeting the explorer version of yourself or the best-selling book author. What would you learn? What aspects of his or her personality would you like to brush off on you?
Fantastical as it may sound, I do have an inner conviction that there is so much potential to discover about shifting our consciousness and realities we still know little or nothing about. Just look at the way we sometimes get stuck in a flat reality with little possibilities on the horizon. We then make a shift in consciousness – our reality and the way we experience changes completely.
Our horizons expand and we start seeing opportunities we weren’t seeing before. We get energized and start doing things we never thought possible. This seems like literally quantum jumping to another version of our self.
What makes this shift?
What makes us jump? How did we bend our reality?
These questions are definitely important and ones we should keep on asking. Let’s keep on talking about this possibilities and as the saying goes – Give yourself a chance to be yourself….or perhaps other versions of yourself.
Gilbert Ross "
JENNY SCHILTZ – Understanding the Timeline Split – 7-24-17
"JENNY SCHILTZ – Understanding the Timeline Split – 7-24-17
So much is happening right now.
The moment we feel that we have gotten our footing from one energy event, another one is on its heels.
The end of July and the month of August are jammed packed with amazing events that have the ability to really shake things up.
The is all happening to push us beyond our perceived limits and to clear out all that cannot be held in the higher frequencies. As some of my clients have expressed concerns about the timeline split, I decided to talk with my Ascension team about the upcoming timeline split in a question and answer format.
Team: The timeline split is most auspicious. It is the defining point. It is the convergence of frequencies all geared towards the same outcome – mass ascension of the human population.
Me: Last September, we as a collective chose an accelerated timeline. Is this a byproduct of this choice?
Team: Yes, once the accelerated timeline was chosen, all that took place energetically was to prepare each person for the timeline split.
Me: Will the timeline split happen in an instant?
Team: No, it has already begun and will conclude after the eclipse season.
Me: Will people be aware that the shift has taken place?
Team: Some will yes. However, many will not. They will simply look back upon this time as the moment all began to change.
Me: Will there be those that choose not to ascend?
Team: Yes, though you must understand that there are levels to what one considers ascending. The basic definition is for the souls to hold within themselves a frequency of no lower than the lowest level of fifth-dimensional frequency.
This will be confusing for many as they have been led to believe that it will be a utopia in an instant. Instead of a gateway for one to experience further growth without the outside influence of negativity. There will be those that choose to reach the highest levels of frequency within themselves and those that will be content to have made it through the threshold.
Me: So after the convergence, will all negativity be gone?
Team: No, each person will have to work through the beliefs that have led to the creation of what you see in the collective.
What will change is the requirement for duality to be part of the experience. No longer will one have to learn through suffering and sacrifice. However, there will be those that will continue these dynamics within themselves until the programming is sufficiently rewritten. In order to move from this energetic pattern, one must remove the judgments of self and others, forgive all, and allow joy to permeate all parts of their being.
Me: Will those that are not choosing to ascend at this time still be on earth?
Team: For a time, yes. For some, you will find that they naturally gravitate away from you and your creation of reality. Some will choose to leave their form, but this will also be true for some who are choosing Ascension in this lifetime. Not all will choose to stay in form once they have completed what their soul intended. Others will still interact with you helping you to continue learning and growing as they fulfill their soul contracts.
Me: What is taking place this August with all the huge energy events?
Team: These are choice points if you will. Each event an opportunity for all of one’s lower timelines to collapse within. This is so that all of one’s energy will be focused on moving themselves and the collective as a whole forward. It is a space where all the higher frequencies will converge helping to create new potential realities of each person.
This convergence will not bring about an instant utopia as there is still much work to be done to clear the disharmony within the collective, but it is a stepping stone where greater assistance will be given. Many layers of the veil will fall away for those who are ready.
Me: Will this lead to disclosure?
Team: Not in the sense you are referring to. It will lead to the disclosure of one’s true self as all the false belief structures will become more apparent. As more of the collective discovers the hidden truths, it will pave the way for clearer galactic interaction.
Me: What else do we need to know about this timeline split?
Team: It will be a boost to those that hold the higher energies. There will be greater ease in their form as all around will begin to work together. It will feel be as if unseen support teams have been added. For some, the timeline bifurcation will bring even greater clarity to where dysfunction and inauthenticity have been part of their experience. For those still asleep, the timeline split will begin their awakening.
Me: So even those that are not awake yet may choose which path to take? Ascension or not?
Team: Absolutely, the choice is made at a soul level, prior to incarnating. Though there are some that chose to Ascend but have since decided to obtain more growth within duality. Likewise, there are those that chose initially not to ascend but have found that they were up for the task. Each person’s soul chooses the best path, so if one chooses not to ascend there is nothing to be done but to honor that experience.
When one awakens is more of a human choice, which is why some take longer than others. The more deeply entrenched in programming one is, the more the human must be shaken from their sleep.
Me: I had to be shaken quite a few times….
Team: Yes, some need to shaken more abruptly than others (laughing). Yet, know that even in the deepest sleep one is learning and experiencing for their soul growth. There is much to appreciate in learning who you are not as there is in learning who you are.
Me: Whenever there is talk of people choosing paths – it brings so much fear. People are afraid that loved ones won’t make it. The fear reminds me of the belief in the Christian rapture that in one moment people will disappear.
Team: There needs to be no fear. This is the time of Ascension. Those that are here now are here to ascend with the planet or to simply be part of the experience by providing contractual experiences that benefit the growth of the soul.
While there will be a falling away of people that no longer match the frequency you hold, there will not be a mass exodus from the earth in a single moment. Even those that fall away from you may still be choosing to ascend, yet at a higher or lower frequency within the timeline split.
Allow these souls to walk their path, while you walk yours. Knowing each is having the perfect experience for their soul. There is not one path one must walk on the journey to remembering who you are.
Me: How can people prepare for this timeline shift?
Team: Examining one’s beliefs, stories and expectations are important. These are the things that will cause one to experience greater disharmony in the higher frequencies. Look at how one has limited themselves in body, mind, and spirit and then stretch beyond those limitations.
We ask that each person works on accepting all that they are and forgive and love what they have deemed unacceptable within themselves and others. Opening one’s heart through love, gratitude, and forgiveness of all will allow the energies to flow with greater ease through you.
Each person must come to understand that their potential is limitless. If one is able to see themselves as we see you, then you will fully understand your magnificence and the bravery it has taken to be part of this experiment.
Me: Thank you
Team: It is our pleasure.
I hope that these questions have helped to shine a light on the timeline split and dispelled fear. It really is amazing to be a part of this huge shift. Thank you to all who share this work, it means the world. Sending you all lots of love and joy! Take care of you! 
Timeline Shift: The Third Wave of 2016 Sandra Walters
" Jul 29, 2016
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The energies for the September wave, our third amplification of 2016, are already arriving. To recap: The first wave (late December – January) was aimed at dissolving looping programs which interfered with HUman perception of the Shift in consciousness. These programs which kept people doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, repeating the same beliefs were dismantled.
As always, the collective recreates old patterns out of habit, so there is a delay between what occurs and what the collective can perceive due to our experience of linear time. That is the free will choice of Creator-in-carnate HUmans, with powerful DNA, who are able to collectively create realities.
The second wave (March-April) was aimed at shadow; the uncomplimentary beings, programs, thought forms, emotions and beliefs which are deeply engrained into the collective subconscious. This level of light was (and is) a bit torturous for disharmonious beings, both Human and non-Human. Many Lightworkers are feeling the impact of this global purging of disharmony, because the effects apply to every single being on this planet. No stone is unturned during a dimensional shift.
Gratitude to the Lightworkers who had the vision and intuition to prepare for this phase.
You have the tools, compassion and understanding to stand in your power, no matter how difficult it gets to witness and experience this cleansing of the collective consciousness.
Remember that these waves have deep purpose in preparing and launching us into the New. These energies are a purer frequency of photonic light; frequencies that are typically experienced by higher realities. Realities are based on bandwidths of vibration.
Your resonation determines your externally projected reality – your personal reality, as well as collective. (Vibration = vibration).
Photonic light aimed at dissolving bandwidths that no longer serve Divine Will (the Universal rewrite) continue to penetrate our Solar system, Gaia and your individual consciousness.
Reporting Our Progress: Higher Realms desire your Connection
Your bodies are still attempting to hold a huge consciousness in a tiny form. It can be painful, uncomfortable, fatiguing, stimulating … whatever is needed to anchor this new level of light into the collective consciousness.
This is why so much preparation was done to clear and upgrade the body and assist it into crystalline transformation. Keep your body vehicle clear and moving, flowing into this new stream of Light.
Remember to report all of the effects to your Higher levels. The nightly check-in with your Team and backward review help with adjustments in dreamstate (this has worked well for me for several years, try it.) A reminder that you are being monitored individually and as a collective.
Complaints about the external reality or internal symptoms slow the collective process. We are completely capable of this evolution, Beloveds. As embodiment and contact intensifies (or begins) for many, the intermingling of energy fields can make the body feel electrified, blown apart, blissy, or non-existent.
Some feel unheard, isolated or alone in this journey. Leave those notions of separation behind, beloveds. The new experience is foreign to the lower levels (mind, ego, emotions). Parent them, train them to be patient with the transformation. The Higher teams hear everything, beloveds.
All of your emotions, thoughts and words go into the collective sorting out of who-can-handle-what, and when. So if we desire the full acceleration available with these waves, we need to be HUman Masters – now. That is not a controlling position, it is one of grace, compassion and acceptance of the role of Wayshower.
Even with the intense internal heat, the sensations of being electrified, the vagus nerve activations (article on that soon), and the new glands developing to handle this transition, we persist in grace. Creator Breath: We breathe and exhale peace, in order to balance the deep unrest boiling up in the global population.
August: Take Inventory of Health, Lightwork, Creativity
Our third wave is beginning to arrive already. Vibrational match will become more apparent as the High Vibe Tribe anchors frequencies of freedom. You have sensed this for a while; the freedom, the completion, the gradual release of the lower reality. And yet your spirit continues to expand into the body vehicle. Hence the term *embodiment*. Let the light in, let the Higher Self step forth. Create as much freedom as you can from routine; you’ll need to play in the moment with this new level of light.
Multidimensional awareness intensifies in August, along with clarity, direction and creativity after the purge of the last wave. Use what you have learned, do not ignore the new direction. Many of you will be relocating, traveling and journeying to prepare for the September wave. Use the momentum of this phase to move ahead and step away from the old Self.
You are stepping away from yet another level of the old reality. Resistance can bring depression, confusion, and disharmony in the body. Follow the Higher Self guidance; trust your heart as it merges with the Christed state of consciousness. Take note of feeling more like the True Self. Smile, breathe, all is well.
The lower vibration is what it is; let it have its experience.
What is playing out on the smaller stage of the lower reality has no impact on the overarching mission of Ascension. There are many surprises ahead for the lower reality, as well as the higher. High Vibe Tribe, you know what is about to unfold. Trust that inner guidance with your personal journey. Stay in service to Divine Love. Participate in creative, playful, cleansing, healthful activity as the energies shift in August. Celebrate the lighter, brighter, happier place of the radiant heart.
Turning point: August Prep, September Shift
Unity is key in Unity Consciousness. That applies to your thoughts, energy fields and emotions more than physical surroundings. Most of you will need the support and companionship of others during this phase. The Wednesday Unity Meditations are there for you to connect etherically to the Light Tribe and Higher realms.
We connect this way for many reasons: To experience the true/new level of Christed peace, to feel our collective power, to heal the collective and ourselves, to assist with embodiment, to raise the vibration of the HUman heart grid, and to connect with each other as we shed concerns about physical location or physical exhaustion with the new level of light.
It is a highly supportive activity; if you are not participating, take a look at why you resist connecting with other Lightworkers in this way.
Upcoming Triggers
There is a lot unfolding at the moment to shift the vibe before the next wave enters. It seems we had a rough passage with the second wave, however we will create a much higher platform to stand on in August. Wayshowers, follow the personal direction for location, alignments and co-creations.
Much of this phase will feel like a new wave of awakening – even for the Light Tribe – as the Higher Self steps in. There is a bit of reorganizing, shuffling of locations and duties presenting. Pay attention to the new direction, we are aiming for a very powerful influx to bring HUmanity into alignment with their hearts.
The Lion’s Gate (August 8) and August 21 are our collective triggers this month. The September wave begins around September 9th – 11th with the peak of the wave flowing in September 26 -29. Gratitude for your endurance, dear hearts. You are witnessed, you are cherished. Expect brilliance, beloveds!
In Love, Light and Service,"
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The energies for the September wave, our third amplification of 2016, are already arriving. To recap: The first wave (late December – January) was aimed at dissolving looping programs which interfered with HUman perception of the Shift in consciousness. These programs which kept people doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, repeating the same beliefs were dismantled.
As always, the collective recreates old patterns out of habit, so there is a delay between what occurs and what the collective can perceive due to our experience of linear time. That is the free will choice of Creator-in-carnate HUmans, with powerful DNA, who are able to collectively create realities.
The second wave (March-April) was aimed at shadow; the uncomplimentary beings, programs, thought forms, emotions and beliefs which are deeply engrained into the collective subconscious. This level of light was (and is) a bit torturous for disharmonious beings, both Human and non-Human. Many Lightworkers are feeling the impact of this global purging of disharmony, because the effects apply to every single being on this planet. No stone is unturned during a dimensional shift.
Gratitude to the Lightworkers who had the vision and intuition to prepare for this phase.
You have the tools, compassion and understanding to stand in your power, no matter how difficult it gets to witness and experience this cleansing of the collective consciousness.
Remember that these waves have deep purpose in preparing and launching us into the New. These energies are a purer frequency of photonic light; frequencies that are typically experienced by higher realities. Realities are based on bandwidths of vibration.
Your resonation determines your externally projected reality – your personal reality, as well as collective. (Vibration = vibration).
Photonic light aimed at dissolving bandwidths that no longer serve Divine Will (the Universal rewrite) continue to penetrate our Solar system, Gaia and your individual consciousness.
Reporting Our Progress: Higher Realms desire your Connection
Your bodies are still attempting to hold a huge consciousness in a tiny form. It can be painful, uncomfortable, fatiguing, stimulating … whatever is needed to anchor this new level of light into the collective consciousness.
This is why so much preparation was done to clear and upgrade the body and assist it into crystalline transformation. Keep your body vehicle clear and moving, flowing into this new stream of Light.
Remember to report all of the effects to your Higher levels. The nightly check-in with your Team and backward review help with adjustments in dreamstate (this has worked well for me for several years, try it.) A reminder that you are being monitored individually and as a collective.
Complaints about the external reality or internal symptoms slow the collective process. We are completely capable of this evolution, Beloveds. As embodiment and contact intensifies (or begins) for many, the intermingling of energy fields can make the body feel electrified, blown apart, blissy, or non-existent.
Some feel unheard, isolated or alone in this journey. Leave those notions of separation behind, beloveds. The new experience is foreign to the lower levels (mind, ego, emotions). Parent them, train them to be patient with the transformation. The Higher teams hear everything, beloveds.
All of your emotions, thoughts and words go into the collective sorting out of who-can-handle-what, and when. So if we desire the full acceleration available with these waves, we need to be HUman Masters – now. That is not a controlling position, it is one of grace, compassion and acceptance of the role of Wayshower.
Even with the intense internal heat, the sensations of being electrified, the vagus nerve activations (article on that soon), and the new glands developing to handle this transition, we persist in grace. Creator Breath: We breathe and exhale peace, in order to balance the deep unrest boiling up in the global population.
August: Take Inventory of Health, Lightwork, Creativity
Our third wave is beginning to arrive already. Vibrational match will become more apparent as the High Vibe Tribe anchors frequencies of freedom. You have sensed this for a while; the freedom, the completion, the gradual release of the lower reality. And yet your spirit continues to expand into the body vehicle. Hence the term *embodiment*. Let the light in, let the Higher Self step forth. Create as much freedom as you can from routine; you’ll need to play in the moment with this new level of light.
Multidimensional awareness intensifies in August, along with clarity, direction and creativity after the purge of the last wave. Use what you have learned, do not ignore the new direction. Many of you will be relocating, traveling and journeying to prepare for the September wave. Use the momentum of this phase to move ahead and step away from the old Self.
You are stepping away from yet another level of the old reality. Resistance can bring depression, confusion, and disharmony in the body. Follow the Higher Self guidance; trust your heart as it merges with the Christed state of consciousness. Take note of feeling more like the True Self. Smile, breathe, all is well.
The lower vibration is what it is; let it have its experience.
What is playing out on the smaller stage of the lower reality has no impact on the overarching mission of Ascension. There are many surprises ahead for the lower reality, as well as the higher. High Vibe Tribe, you know what is about to unfold. Trust that inner guidance with your personal journey. Stay in service to Divine Love. Participate in creative, playful, cleansing, healthful activity as the energies shift in August. Celebrate the lighter, brighter, happier place of the radiant heart.
Turning point: August Prep, September Shift
Unity is key in Unity Consciousness. That applies to your thoughts, energy fields and emotions more than physical surroundings. Most of you will need the support and companionship of others during this phase. The Wednesday Unity Meditations are there for you to connect etherically to the Light Tribe and Higher realms.
We connect this way for many reasons: To experience the true/new level of Christed peace, to feel our collective power, to heal the collective and ourselves, to assist with embodiment, to raise the vibration of the HUman heart grid, and to connect with each other as we shed concerns about physical location or physical exhaustion with the new level of light.
It is a highly supportive activity; if you are not participating, take a look at why you resist connecting with other Lightworkers in this way.
Upcoming Triggers
There is a lot unfolding at the moment to shift the vibe before the next wave enters. It seems we had a rough passage with the second wave, however we will create a much higher platform to stand on in August. Wayshowers, follow the personal direction for location, alignments and co-creations.
Much of this phase will feel like a new wave of awakening – even for the Light Tribe – as the Higher Self steps in. There is a bit of reorganizing, shuffling of locations and duties presenting. Pay attention to the new direction, we are aiming for a very powerful influx to bring HUmanity into alignment with their hearts.
The Lion’s Gate (August 8) and August 21 are our collective triggers this month. The September wave begins around September 9th – 11th with the peak of the wave flowing in September 26 -29. Gratitude for your endurance, dear hearts. You are witnessed, you are cherished. Expect brilliance, beloveds!
In Love, Light and Service,"
Things change often. For me I had another shift in the last few days, where I research things for writing projects and there are new movies, new blogs, new videos about it, thing is they are years prior. I write about Timeline Shifts and counsel people on it. I do this by years of study on the topic and by spiritual readings, all focusing on that one person for them. Thing is to write about what is actually happening is somewhat impossible as the what happening changes to quickly and possibly on for me. We are shift differently. And our history and memory of past things is changing along with physical changes constantly. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Timeline Advisor
Monday, July 24, 2017
How To Jump Timelines by Evolving from 3D to 5D — Denise Le Fay
"To talk about jumping or switching timelines we first need to talk about different frequencies and different layers of frequencies. Think of energy vibrating at different frequencies, different rates of vibration and speed. View the image above and the different colors of each frequency band of energy in it.
Now think of how lower, dense, negative thoughts and emotions like fear, hatred, violence, warring, greed, corruption, negative ego, lying, manipulating people, deception, self-deception and hundreds of other low vibe, low-frequency thoughts, emotions and actions exist within the lowest, most dense of these different bands of frequency, such as the old Earth and world reality we all incarnated into.
When we have any lower frequency thoughts, emotions or actions we automatically become energetically, vibrationally aligned with that same low-frequency world and matching external reality. When we have higher frequency thoughts, emotions and actions we’re automatically energetically, vibrationally aligned with matching higher frequency Earth world(s) and realities.
When Forerunners Pathpave we’re aiming for, aligning with and anchoring ourselves within the highest frequency Ascension Earth world(s) and doing this causes all lower frequency worlds and people in them that are an energetic and consciousness match with them to increasingly exit from our reality.
They don’t disappear from our higher view and perception, we’re just no longer energetically, vibrationally bound to them through being a frequency match with them.
If I want to jump timelines and go to a lower frequency one than I’m in now, then I would intentionally focus on lower, dense issues, beliefs, emotions, thoughts and/or actions, mine or other people’s. By doing this it’s very easy and almost instantaneous now in 2017, to drop out of a higher frequency and matching location down into a lower one or ones. You “fall” in other words, either intentionally or unintentionally and for whatever the reason(s) may be in that moment for you.
If I want to jump timelines and go back up to a higher or highest ascending timeline(s) then I intentionally get back into my HighHeart and expand myself, my current identity and sense of Self etc. back to that higher frequency which automatically allows me entrance back into a matching frequency Earth world.
If I want to go even higher than this then it’s up to ME to open myself and my HighHeart even further and Embody more Light Energies — my Higher Self/crystalline Christ frequency/Divine Solar etc. which automatically shifts, lifts, ascends me up to higher and higher frequencies and states of being, consciousness and reality.
This has always been about different levels and layers of frequency and our moving into and then beyond each one, going higher and higher every time when we’re ready and able to do so. Energy Stair-steps to higher and more vast levels of being and awareness.
Understand that different ascending Earth worlds and their timelines—and the descending Earth world—each exist within specific different frequency ranges, providing locations and spaces for everyone, like energetic Stair-steps to exist within whatever Earth world and reality that is an energetic frequency rate match to them in every moment.
When we jump from one emotion to another, or one thought to another especially if they’re very different emotions and/or thoughts like say jumping from joy, security, empowerment etc. to suddenly being in fear, doubt, insecurity, dis-empowerment etc., then YOU are the one whose caused your own shift and timeline jump from one level of frequency with its matching Earth world and reality to another that matches whatever emotions, thoughts and/or actions YOU are doing or having or entertaining.
Yeah… much greater responsibility than ever before on old negative Earth world we all incarnated on to!
Those old energy reality border fences don’t exist any longer so it’s now up to each of us to be HighHeart mindful of what WE are focused on.
This is one more of many higher 5D abilities and responsibilities; being responsible for whatever rolls through your heart, mind, heartmind, body or reality.
Do you know where your thoughts are?
Where your emotions are?
You’d better because now you’ll instantly find yourself somewhere else that’s a frequency match vibrationally to whatever it was that YOU were thinking, feeling, considering, believing, focused on or doing.
What YOU/ME/WE are focused on and being, emanating, radiating frequency-wise from moment to moment now will and does immediately tweak, shift, jump us from one frequency rate into another one or ones meaning we’re jumping timelines and different ascending Earth worlds and realities repeatedly with our own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, expectations and actions. You want to be in the highest ascending Earth world and timeline?
Then it’s up to each of us to constantly be willing to release more of the old lower within ourselves, our bodies, thoughts and emotions, our beliefs, expectations and actions so WE can expand and Embody more higher frequency Light, meaning our Higher Self/Selves, greater crystalline Christ frequency energies, Divine Solar Self, and now Self-as-Source etc.
Jumping timelines and Earth worlds now is as easy and fast as either lowering or elevating your thoughts, emotions and focus because doing so instantly changes the frequency range you’re both in and containing within your body, heart or HighHeart and consciousness.
It’s YOU that changes the invisible energetic frequency dial that automatically aligns you with a matching frequency Earth world and timeline. Be aware of what you are dialing up or dialing down via your own focus, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, expectations and so on.
This is going to expand through the cosmic roof via the August 2017 energies so be aware and in your HighHeart space and frequency because everything is changing now in huge NEW higher ways from anything any of us have experienced so far within this Ascension and Embodiment Process.
❤ ❤ ❤
July 23, 2017"
Source and More
Now think of how lower, dense, negative thoughts and emotions like fear, hatred, violence, warring, greed, corruption, negative ego, lying, manipulating people, deception, self-deception and hundreds of other low vibe, low-frequency thoughts, emotions and actions exist within the lowest, most dense of these different bands of frequency, such as the old Earth and world reality we all incarnated into.
When we have any lower frequency thoughts, emotions or actions we automatically become energetically, vibrationally aligned with that same low-frequency world and matching external reality. When we have higher frequency thoughts, emotions and actions we’re automatically energetically, vibrationally aligned with matching higher frequency Earth world(s) and realities.
When Forerunners Pathpave we’re aiming for, aligning with and anchoring ourselves within the highest frequency Ascension Earth world(s) and doing this causes all lower frequency worlds and people in them that are an energetic and consciousness match with them to increasingly exit from our reality.
They don’t disappear from our higher view and perception, we’re just no longer energetically, vibrationally bound to them through being a frequency match with them.
If I want to jump timelines and go to a lower frequency one than I’m in now, then I would intentionally focus on lower, dense issues, beliefs, emotions, thoughts and/or actions, mine or other people’s. By doing this it’s very easy and almost instantaneous now in 2017, to drop out of a higher frequency and matching location down into a lower one or ones. You “fall” in other words, either intentionally or unintentionally and for whatever the reason(s) may be in that moment for you.
If I want to jump timelines and go back up to a higher or highest ascending timeline(s) then I intentionally get back into my HighHeart and expand myself, my current identity and sense of Self etc. back to that higher frequency which automatically allows me entrance back into a matching frequency Earth world.
If I want to go even higher than this then it’s up to ME to open myself and my HighHeart even further and Embody more Light Energies — my Higher Self/crystalline Christ frequency/Divine Solar etc. which automatically shifts, lifts, ascends me up to higher and higher frequencies and states of being, consciousness and reality.
This has always been about different levels and layers of frequency and our moving into and then beyond each one, going higher and higher every time when we’re ready and able to do so. Energy Stair-steps to higher and more vast levels of being and awareness.
Understand that different ascending Earth worlds and their timelines—and the descending Earth world—each exist within specific different frequency ranges, providing locations and spaces for everyone, like energetic Stair-steps to exist within whatever Earth world and reality that is an energetic frequency rate match to them in every moment.
When we jump from one emotion to another, or one thought to another especially if they’re very different emotions and/or thoughts like say jumping from joy, security, empowerment etc. to suddenly being in fear, doubt, insecurity, dis-empowerment etc., then YOU are the one whose caused your own shift and timeline jump from one level of frequency with its matching Earth world and reality to another that matches whatever emotions, thoughts and/or actions YOU are doing or having or entertaining.
Yeah… much greater responsibility than ever before on old negative Earth world we all incarnated on to!
Those old energy reality border fences don’t exist any longer so it’s now up to each of us to be HighHeart mindful of what WE are focused on.
This is one more of many higher 5D abilities and responsibilities; being responsible for whatever rolls through your heart, mind, heartmind, body or reality.
Do you know where your thoughts are?
Where your emotions are?
You’d better because now you’ll instantly find yourself somewhere else that’s a frequency match vibrationally to whatever it was that YOU were thinking, feeling, considering, believing, focused on or doing.
What YOU/ME/WE are focused on and being, emanating, radiating frequency-wise from moment to moment now will and does immediately tweak, shift, jump us from one frequency rate into another one or ones meaning we’re jumping timelines and different ascending Earth worlds and realities repeatedly with our own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, expectations and actions. You want to be in the highest ascending Earth world and timeline?
Then it’s up to each of us to constantly be willing to release more of the old lower within ourselves, our bodies, thoughts and emotions, our beliefs, expectations and actions so WE can expand and Embody more higher frequency Light, meaning our Higher Self/Selves, greater crystalline Christ frequency energies, Divine Solar Self, and now Self-as-Source etc.
Jumping timelines and Earth worlds now is as easy and fast as either lowering or elevating your thoughts, emotions and focus because doing so instantly changes the frequency range you’re both in and containing within your body, heart or HighHeart and consciousness.
It’s YOU that changes the invisible energetic frequency dial that automatically aligns you with a matching frequency Earth world and timeline. Be aware of what you are dialing up or dialing down via your own focus, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, expectations and so on.
This is going to expand through the cosmic roof via the August 2017 energies so be aware and in your HighHeart space and frequency because everything is changing now in huge NEW higher ways from anything any of us have experienced so far within this Ascension and Embodiment Process.
❤ ❤ ❤
July 23, 2017"
Source and More
As per the experience of the Mandela Effect, an ACTUAL physical change in my physical reality that happened to me in a very notable way in May of 2016, at this point, for me personally, it is about daily focus on the reality, the timeline that I want to live in.
It is about waking up in a world where things may not yet be ideal as far as the timeline I really want to be living in, however, keeping my own thoughts, energy, and focus on the things I do want. Pondering, visualizing the way I want things to be. Staying out of the energy of old programs, moving through old reactions and patterns with new ones, even if only a slight each time.
It is about being the best me I can be everyday with each energy, program, circumstance, personal attack, that comes into my awareness. It is about refocusing when I lose my focus because old reactions come up to new circumstances, challenges or events. I find myself reacting inside, however, I process the energy as to not react outside. Then I continue to work on transmuting the initial feeling, what is the root cause and working toward clearing it all.
I do this all day everyday. A feeling comes up that does not feel good, feel right. Therefore I know it is not True for me. So I then look at the root cause and trying different methods to reprogram myself to not be triggered. Such as imagining what a triggerless me would feel like in that moment, or meditation where I focus only on a beat, or other methods of frequency and eye movement changes to try and uproot the original wound let’s call it or simply expose the hiding place of the program within my own existence.
Reminding myself daily that I can move energy better, clearer, more joyfully. And that I don’t have to react, buy into what other people are feeling or seeing or have as their life mission. To not react to those who don’t get me or validate me. But instead to validate myself and to transmute the energy to that, just energy and not a program that triggers an old response of earlier versions of Me, be it in this life or my or my entire ancestral line in any reality.
With this I believe I am clearing out old programs for good, and collapsing lower vibrational realities I once lived or experienced, clearing, lower frequency timelines of which I nor my ancestral line will have to visit again.
It is about recognizing my old patterns, which are programs of ego from lifetimes, and removing those programs, simply by stating I remove that program. It comes up, I see it I remove it, over and over until it does not come up, does not trigger a feeling or lower vibrational response.
I believe this daily work is monumentally important and that it is say my Graduate class, or Doctorate class in the school of Earth. I have done the work, lived the lifetimes. I have seen that we literally shift realities, actual physical reality, WOW. And so now the work to bring all that together is the work within my daily thoughts, my triggers, my reactions to things outside of my control and my willingness to participate in or abandon Patterns and Programs of which are not what I want and not part of the higher frequency Reality I really want to live.
Yes I do believe there is a need out there for Facebook pages, blogs and such to assist people in validating that the Mandela Effect is real. This is a valuable tool, as is learning to walk, to talk. It is also valuable to assist you to not feel it is a mental illness as many around you may claim. However, once you have validated it to yourself and once you yourself fully, truly, without a doubt believe that you have experienced a reality shift, an actual physical, then it is time to do the clean up work to level up debri in your realities in lower timeline frequencies, to remove programs, to create worlds by focusing on what you do want
If you continue focusing on is it real, prove its real, needing others to see it as real or believe it as real then you are denying yourself the beautiful, amazing Gift of actually experiencing this awakening and all it truly has to offer you by focusing on YOU and not on proving it over and over or trying to convince others. They will KNOW when it’s right for them, PERIOD. That work is done, now it’s about the individual you with you, me with me.
I have no further need to convince myself that “it” is happening. As to go daily down that rabbit hole, I change my focus to proving something that I already know is True for me. It is not my job to convince others. The internet has ALL the information they need to validate it has happened for them personally. And if it has not then why spend my time convincing them of my Truth, of which may be no where near their truth? There is Simply No Need for that.
What I spend my thoughts, my time, my energy on every day, LITERALLY creates worlds. I know that now. So I don’t want to focus on all the things that have changed, as they are constantly changing. I want to focus on being the absolute purest, happiest, most abundant, joyous, loving, fun, wealthy, healthy, high vibration, high frequency me that I can possibly imagine, and therefore at some point obtain. I want to focus on the world I want to create and not get jumbled in proving each new reality shift.
YES it is real, it is WOW amazing, magic and supernatural. It is REAL. You know that, you have seen and felt it so let’s stay focused on Joy, on what we want. And not get trapped in energetic struggles trying to convince others every day or follow every new change in each timeline shift.
I believe that I, as with many others, are clearing old timeline programs, old programs and identities as we collapse multiple timelines and versions of ourself into a higher vibrating version of ourselves.
Our Joy is our guide.
We literally feel bad in our body when something is not right and we literally feel good when something is right for us. That is not to say this signifies as to something being right to or for anyone else.
For me I am sitting in the eye of the Mandela storm per say. I know it is happening, some people are very upset, others curious, others disbelieve. I know it’s a huge stretch for people who have not had the experience to believe in it’s existence. They literally cannot stretch their imagination to it being real. And that is fine, they will when they are ready. For me it’s surreal, it feels space and dreamy at times as I float in and out of their realities and they really believe it is real, and well it is for them. However, I don’t get stuck there, I observe, check my own triggers and programs, work on clearing those and keep moving through.
Many people are angry and looking to argue or prove to anyone who will join them. I don’t engage with those folks, as that is not the reality I want to experience. I block them, move out of their energy, don’t hang around them. And stay focused on the things I do want in my next timeline. Their fear does not have to be owned by me, proven or justified by me in any way. Their fears are theirs and are programs they choose to still participate in. I do not.
At times it WOWS me, as I look directly at the physical changes, or come across a movie that did not exist, or things about my own body, or the sky or destinations. However, I don’t get caught in it, let fear rise or even question why now. I know why. I created all this somehow. Some version of my created this. And I trust and love me, and want to be the absolute best version of me, so I keep moving, keeping improving, keep letting old programs and patterns go and don’t engage with the naysayers, as I don’t want THEM creating MY REALITY.
~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Timeline Shift Ramblings
Reverend Crystal Cox can assist you with
what you are going through with the Mandela Effect.
offers spiritual counseling services, intuitive readings
and is an expert in timeline shifts and what it means to you personally
and can guide you through what is happening to you.
Please eMail her at
for spiritual counseling, readings, Mandela Effect Readings and Advice
and / or healing sessions.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Tech Billionaires Are Funding A Plan To Break The Human Race Out Of The Matrix
"On the southwestern edge of Lake Titicaca, Peru, there is an ancient 23-foot doorway known as the Aramu Muru. Local natives call it the “Puerta de hayu Marca,” the gateway to the lands of the gods and immortal life. Throughout their history, the natives have described people disappearing and appearing at this doorway.
In 1998, purported extraterrestrial contactee Jerry Wills claimed a tall blonde humanoid named Zo taught him how to access Aramu Muru and enter “another universe.” Wills further claimed that Zo illustrated to him how our universe is an experimental simulation within his species’ universe. They built it to understand their own reality, which is itself nested inside a larger universe.
A few years after the release of The Matrix, philosopher Nick Bostrom published the Simulation Argument, a concise paper entitled “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” It presented a trilemma, a mathematical breakdown of why at least one of three provocative scenarios must be true.
“(1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a ‘posthuman’ stage;
(2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof);
(3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.”
The “posthuman civilization” to which Bostrom refers defines a period of time after which humans have merged with technology. This is sometimes referred to as post-Singularity, with the ‘Singularity’ describing futurist Ray Kurzweil’s designation of a society in which humans are post-biological, living synergistically with artificial intelligence.
The Simulation Argument presupposes the development of this posthuman civilization, at which point, Bostrom states, advanced humans or AI might develop simulations of the past in the same way that current scientists create test environments; some of the simulations would likely be for entertainment reasons, as well, in the same way humans currently create video games and movies.
In recent years, a number of high-profile figures have come out to state their belief that we are living in a simulation. Chief among them is tech magnate Elon Musk, who has stated that the video game No Man’s Sky confirmed his belief that someday simulations would approximate reality so comprehensively that they would be indistinguishable from reality. Apparently, he was sitting in a hot tub with friends when he finally converted.
Musk is the CEO and brains behind Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and OpenAI. In recent years, he has expressed bold plans for his companies that he believes will advance the human race: with Tesla, he wants to spearhead a transportation infrastructure that doesn’t rely on burning hydrocarbons; with SpaceX, he wants to assist in humanity’s gradual extraplanetary migration to Mars; and with Neuralink and OpenAI, he wants to facilitate humanity’s merger with advanced computer technology.
When he was asked about whether humans are living inside a computer simulation, Musk made headlines last year by saying he thinks the chances are one in billions that we aren’t.
“The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following: 40 years ago we had Pong – two rectangles and a dot,” Musk stated. “That’s where we were. Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, we’ll have augmented reality.
If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable.”
Here Musk is referring to the exponential growth of technology, the lynchpin of the Singularity theory.
If in 40 years we’ve gone from the two-dimensional pong to the cusp of augmented and virtual reality, imagine where we’ll be in another forty, or a hundred, or 400. Provided the human race survives, one may assume we will achieve the ability to produce simulations with sentient beings.
Already, the Department of Defense has created the Sentient World Simulation, a real-time “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends,” according to a working paper on the system.
In recent years, other scientists have conducted research and even experimentation in attempts to show actual evidence of the Simulation.
Heads turned last year when theoretical physicist S. James Gate announced he had found strange computer code in his String Theory research. Bound inside the equations we use to describe our universe, he says, is peculiar self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code.
A team of German physicists has also set out to show that the numerical constraints we see in our universe are consistent with the kinds of limitations we would see in a simulated universe.
These physicists have invoked a non-perturbative approach known as lattice quantum chromodynamics to try to discover whether there is an underlying grid to the space/time continuum.
So far their efforts have recreated a minuscule region of the known universe, a sliver of a corner that is but a few femtometers across.
But this corner simulates the hypothetical lattice of the universal grid, and their search for a corresponding physical restraint turned up a theoretical upper limit on high-energy particles known as the Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin, or GZK cut off. In other words, there are aspects of our universe that look and behave as a simulation might.
With news that there are two anonymous tech billionaires working on a secret project to break us out of the Matrix, it’s hard to know whether we should laugh or scream in horror.
Simulation talk is great epistemological fun and metaphysical amusement of the highest order, but it may speak to an underlying anxiety regarding the merging of our reality with machines, or an underlying existential loneliness.
It’s even been posited as a solution to the Fermi Paradox. Why haven’t we met aliens? Well, because we live inside a world they built.
Our earth is marooned in a cosmic void so vast it would take our current Deep Space I propulsion system an astonishing 81,000 years to reach the nearest star — in a galaxy of hundreds of billions, which is, itself, just one of hundreds of billions.
The thought that it’s all 1s and 0s rendered by a futuristic microprocessor is philosophically sexy but, perhaps, sociologically lazy.
That there is anxiety about reality being manufactured in a society obsessed with simulated pleasure and mediated experience isn’t altogether surprising. It’s the ultimate, though perhaps accidental, expression of resistance to a culture steeped in consumerism and artificial growth."
Source and FULL Article
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Mixed Reality Tech
Magic Leap is still figuring out what 'mixed reality' is.
The startup's Chief Game Wizard believes "everyday adventure" is key to the new medium.
Mixed Reality will be most important tech of 2017
Mixed Reality Magic
In 1998, purported extraterrestrial contactee Jerry Wills claimed a tall blonde humanoid named Zo taught him how to access Aramu Muru and enter “another universe.” Wills further claimed that Zo illustrated to him how our universe is an experimental simulation within his species’ universe. They built it to understand their own reality, which is itself nested inside a larger universe.
A few years after the release of The Matrix, philosopher Nick Bostrom published the Simulation Argument, a concise paper entitled “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” It presented a trilemma, a mathematical breakdown of why at least one of three provocative scenarios must be true.
“(1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a ‘posthuman’ stage;
(2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof);
(3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.”
The “posthuman civilization” to which Bostrom refers defines a period of time after which humans have merged with technology. This is sometimes referred to as post-Singularity, with the ‘Singularity’ describing futurist Ray Kurzweil’s designation of a society in which humans are post-biological, living synergistically with artificial intelligence.
The Simulation Argument presupposes the development of this posthuman civilization, at which point, Bostrom states, advanced humans or AI might develop simulations of the past in the same way that current scientists create test environments; some of the simulations would likely be for entertainment reasons, as well, in the same way humans currently create video games and movies.
In recent years, a number of high-profile figures have come out to state their belief that we are living in a simulation. Chief among them is tech magnate Elon Musk, who has stated that the video game No Man’s Sky confirmed his belief that someday simulations would approximate reality so comprehensively that they would be indistinguishable from reality. Apparently, he was sitting in a hot tub with friends when he finally converted.
Musk is the CEO and brains behind Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and OpenAI. In recent years, he has expressed bold plans for his companies that he believes will advance the human race: with Tesla, he wants to spearhead a transportation infrastructure that doesn’t rely on burning hydrocarbons; with SpaceX, he wants to assist in humanity’s gradual extraplanetary migration to Mars; and with Neuralink and OpenAI, he wants to facilitate humanity’s merger with advanced computer technology.
When he was asked about whether humans are living inside a computer simulation, Musk made headlines last year by saying he thinks the chances are one in billions that we aren’t.
“The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following: 40 years ago we had Pong – two rectangles and a dot,” Musk stated. “That’s where we were. Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, we’ll have augmented reality.
If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable.”
Here Musk is referring to the exponential growth of technology, the lynchpin of the Singularity theory.
If in 40 years we’ve gone from the two-dimensional pong to the cusp of augmented and virtual reality, imagine where we’ll be in another forty, or a hundred, or 400. Provided the human race survives, one may assume we will achieve the ability to produce simulations with sentient beings.
Already, the Department of Defense has created the Sentient World Simulation, a real-time “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends,” according to a working paper on the system.
In recent years, other scientists have conducted research and even experimentation in attempts to show actual evidence of the Simulation.
Heads turned last year when theoretical physicist S. James Gate announced he had found strange computer code in his String Theory research. Bound inside the equations we use to describe our universe, he says, is peculiar self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code.
A team of German physicists has also set out to show that the numerical constraints we see in our universe are consistent with the kinds of limitations we would see in a simulated universe.
These physicists have invoked a non-perturbative approach known as lattice quantum chromodynamics to try to discover whether there is an underlying grid to the space/time continuum.
So far their efforts have recreated a minuscule region of the known universe, a sliver of a corner that is but a few femtometers across.
But this corner simulates the hypothetical lattice of the universal grid, and their search for a corresponding physical restraint turned up a theoretical upper limit on high-energy particles known as the Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin, or GZK cut off. In other words, there are aspects of our universe that look and behave as a simulation might.
With news that there are two anonymous tech billionaires working on a secret project to break us out of the Matrix, it’s hard to know whether we should laugh or scream in horror.
Simulation talk is great epistemological fun and metaphysical amusement of the highest order, but it may speak to an underlying anxiety regarding the merging of our reality with machines, or an underlying existential loneliness.
It’s even been posited as a solution to the Fermi Paradox. Why haven’t we met aliens? Well, because we live inside a world they built.
Our earth is marooned in a cosmic void so vast it would take our current Deep Space I propulsion system an astonishing 81,000 years to reach the nearest star — in a galaxy of hundreds of billions, which is, itself, just one of hundreds of billions.
The thought that it’s all 1s and 0s rendered by a futuristic microprocessor is philosophically sexy but, perhaps, sociologically lazy.
That there is anxiety about reality being manufactured in a society obsessed with simulated pleasure and mediated experience isn’t altogether surprising. It’s the ultimate, though perhaps accidental, expression of resistance to a culture steeped in consumerism and artificial growth."
Source and FULL Article
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Mixed Reality Tech
Magic Leap is still figuring out what 'mixed reality' is.
The startup's Chief Game Wizard believes "everyday adventure" is key to the new medium.
Mixed Reality will be most important tech of 2017
Mixed Reality Magic
Organic Timelines of Ascension and Unified Action
"Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Call it the Mandela Effect if you Prefer. Call it a Quantum Leap, a move to a Parallel Life, Timeline Shift, or whatever resonates best for you. What is actually happening is ASCENSION. Old Timelines are Collapsing and Merging. New Potential Timelines are Opening. We are Clearing Old Patterns and Programs as we move to 5D, a Higher Reality. We are in Choice, every minute of every day. A CHOICE of what we want to be our life, in our Timeline. We are choosing by what we give our energy to, our thought to, our time to. We are Creator Gods, and our choices in every moment create new potential timelines. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Timeline Advisor
Our Light level took a jump this week as the May shift began. Gateway passages and unified Grid focus are consistent now, however unified focus during May 9 -11, and the very amplified passage of May 19-21 is requested.
Creative energies return to us now, purified, renewed and ready to manifest the New. Use this Light, it aligns you with the Christed timelines.
Creative energies return to us now, purified, renewed and ready to manifest the New. Use this Light, it aligns you with the Christed timelines.
Organic Timelines of Ascension
For clarity, here is a basic outline of Timeline dynamics for a planetary consciousness. While possibilities are infinite for an individual experience on a planet, we still work within the parameters of the Primary timelines for our creations and experiences here.
Those parameters change as the planet raises in vibration, un-veiling grander opportunities already set in place.
Those parameters change as the planet raises in vibration, un-veiling grander opportunities already set in place.
Future aspects along the same timeline leave surprises and revelations for us to discover.
Timelines reflect the same structure as our torus fields, nested within each other like the planetary torus fields, Solar system, Galaxy, and Universes. See the Torus Fields video for clarity.
Timelines can look like spirals or the loops of a torus field light strand. When I received the 2017 Gateways back in December, the timeline split appeared like DNA spirals splitting apart from each other.
A fine representation of how our DNA enables our ability to experience multiple dimensions and timelines simultaneously.
Primary Timelines
Primary planetary timelines are interdimensional; they transverse past, present, and future dimensional bandwidths.
The overarching intention of a planetary timeline – such as the return of Christ consciousness – may span millions of years in multiple densities.
Even if the planet drops in vibration, the primary timelines remain as a possibility.
Primary Christed Ascension timelines are now amplifying, gaining strength due to Lightworker activities, Gridworkers, Gatekeepers, the Solar and Cosmic stargate openings, and benevolent Higher realm involvement in the Universal rewrite.
By living in the present and embodying the future self – the Higher Self, Christed Self, Galactic Self, etc. (depending on your Soul’s intention) – you resonate with a Primary timeline which traverses dimensions. These higher timelines gain strength as the photonic rays activate remembering of the Ascension process.
True HUman DNA is stimulated in prepared bodies.
Structures within the planet, set in place by Starseeds of the past, are awakened by Starseeds of the Now (often the same beings utilizing the Divine HUman genome.)
The higher reality is felt and witnessed by the High Vibe Tribe; those who witness and interact with the higher dimensions.
Primary Timelines offer a pure experience of Ascension, and the pure intent of its Creators. They are organic timelines which traverse time-space constructs (toroidal fields). They are also interconnected to the path of other planets and galaxies, such as with our Solar system, neighboring star systems, and Andromeda.
Secondary Timelines
Secondary timelines serve the creative aspect of the collective experience, presenting several possibilities for how the Primary timelines may play out. They operate on vibrational bandwidths, like the Primary timelines, however they are more abundant.
Photonic frequencies create organic Divine order, which makes the higher vibrational experience of Ascension more accessible during the Shift in consciousness.
During these Ascension windows, we are able to raise our vibration and align ourselves with a Divine experience of Self and creation.
We create a vibrational match with a higher bandwidth version of Gaia (New Earth), and the higher trajectory of the future, or Primary timeline, by merging with our Higher Self through embodiment.
You may remember my experience of running into myself a few years ago. The possibility of Ascension, created in the future via the higher timeline which traverses multiple dimensions, allows the lower self to access a higher trajectory when engaging with the Ascension process.
We jump timelines, resonating with a higher experience, via the Gateway of the Heart center, Divine Service, consistent alignment and by clearing our lower timeline experiences (karmic closure).
We have multiple secondary timelines complimenting our transition to 5D. This merciful phase allowed the collective to awaken and choose Love, Peace and unity consciousness over the past five years.
For those matching the vibration of the Primary timelines, you have been experiencing the dimensional bleed-through of the higher version of Gaia already.
That experience will overwhelm your lower reality as you release attachments of the old self template and embody the New Template of the Divine Self. Pay attention to the Gateways over the next few months, they hold grand opportunities for leveling up.
The major timeline split occurs between Primary and Secondary levels. When Gatekeepers recommend acceleration, it refers to vibrational acceleration. Speed, or vibrating faster, brings purification by utilizing Zero-Point dynamics.
Acceleration brightens and lifts the collective experience to align with the higher future trajectory, which is less dense, less influenced by time dynamics. It feels fluid, like the pure liquid light sensation of the Christed experience.
Acceleration brightens and lifts the collective experience to align with the higher future trajectory, which is less dense, less influenced by time dynamics. It feels fluid, like the pure liquid light sensation of the Christed experience.
Tertiary timelines
Tertiary Timelines are the ones dropping away right now, since the massive influx of the Equinox passage took out all energetic support for synthetic timelines and lesser trajectories. Tertiary timelines are fueled by Human fear, repeating the same behaviors, emotions and activities of the past (aided by looping programs and corrupted DNA sequences).
When we collectively awaken and actively choose a higher vibrational Primary timeline experience, Secondary timelines are shifted to compliment that collective reality, and tertiary timelines begin to dissolve.
Gatekeepers and Gridworkers are able to remove these lower experiences, because we are unified with our Higher levels in acting in accordance with Cosmic Law and Divine Will.
Primary Timeline Engagement – Taking out the Old
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers in active Service to Source aim to eliminate all which interferes with the organic Ascension experience by September, with consistent focus during the Gateways of May, June, July and the powerful Gateway of the August Solar eclipse (more on that soon). This is a major year, Beloveds. Stay diligent.
The behind-the-scenes activity has been busy. You may have noticed lightship activity increase a few weeks ago. Several beings were escorted off planet; either to be relocated or delivered to realms where they can no longer interfere with the Ascension of this planetary consciousness.
Obviously we cannot remove all negative beings at this juncture, as some serve HUmanity’s self-empowerment journey. We can remove the programs and Ascension interference, however. Remember things are not always as they seem, all is done with patience and Divine neutrality.
Obviously we cannot remove all negative beings at this juncture, as some serve HUmanity’s self-empowerment journey. We can remove the programs and Ascension interference, however. Remember things are not always as they seem, all is done with patience and Divine neutrality.
It is not our task to judge these beings or programs, rather we utilize the power of Source-in-Carnate to bind away all of that interference from this planetary consciousness, HUmanity, kingdoms and elementals. This is done to assist at the Secondary timeline level, where most Lightworkers are resonating, to provide an organic experience of the current Light level. It is an act of Divine Will and must be commanded with that vibration, with a pure heart.
Amplifying the Organic Timeline Experience
A man wrote last week that he participated in the Unity Meditations and really felt like part of the Light Tribe. Please note: Light Tribe and High-Vibe Tribe are terms I created a few years ago to identify the collective resonating with these messages. I create a light-encoded container to hold the pure intent of these transmissions, from my greeting of Blessings Beloved Light Tribe to my signature, In Love, Light and Service, Sandra. I encode them to preserve the Divine intent of my service, since these articles are picked up by other websites (I don’t submit content to anyone).
During my activation in 1999, the messages guided me to find my Tribe. In my Mastery, I learned to magnetize Soul groups and Star family. Now we unify all beings of integrity devoted to peace, love, harmony and the Ascension as the Light Tribe. All that is required is participation, and that is part of the Gatekeeper’s credo: Unify and empower all beings pursuing unconditional Love, Christ Consciousness and the Ascension.
Primary Organic Timelines can be amplified – given more light – through our words, thoughts and deeds. As the timeline split progresses, the waiting game loses its grip on Lightworkers.
We align ourselves with the New Earth/5D/Ascension timeline via a wireless unified transmission in the Unity meditations.
Spiritual power is built through consistent practice, and the Global Unity Meditations have created a field of strength, healing and empowerment which strengthens the Ascending Human heart grid each week. When you join this field of collective intent, you accelerate the Ascension. It is easy, feels wonderful, and is open to everyone."
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Call it the Mandela Effect if you Prefer. Call it a Quantum Leap, a move to a Parallel Life, Timeline Shift, or whatever resonates best for you. What is actually happening is ASCENSION. Old Timelines are Collapsing and Merging. New Potential Timelines are Opening. We are Clearing Old Patterns and Programs as we move to 5D, a Higher Reality. We are in Choice, every minute of every day. A CHOICE of what we want to be our life, in our Timeline. We are choosing by what we give our energy to, our thought to, our time to. We are Creator Gods, and our choices in every moment create new potential timelines. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Timeline Advisor
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