Friday, November 25, 2016

When Your Subconscious Shifts ~ You Shift Dimensions

"The Attachments to 3D consciousness which exist as memory within your subconscious mind, shift first, at that deep inner subconscious level.

If existing through these memories (till cleared) and attachments, the conscious mind will constantly seek answers to problems. As 3D consciousness does NOT exist in the present moment.

Problems, things needing to be resolved, situations that appear as needing to be changed, are ALL aspects of 3D Consciousness.

Which exist only IN CONFLICT.

That is to say, conflict with the PRESENT.


Now speaking directly to your subconscious mind, bypasses the need for the mind to desperately seek the answers, it feels it needs to know. In order to solve its apparent problems. Which exist ONLY as a state of consciousness connected to either attachments to past (memories) or desires for a future, that is ALSO in that consciousness NOW.

Needing to fix NOW ~ is ego consciousness. 3D consciousness WHATEVER you want to call it. That is what it is.

Resistance to NOW.

Resistance to what is.

Resistance to how your life plan is unfolding.

Resistance to letting go of your attachments.

That is what suffering is.

It is clear.

It is precise.

YOU suffer when you have attachments. When you resist. When you live in a way, that resists NOW.

When the little you, PLAYS God, you suffer.

You resists you want everything BUT what is in front of you.

That is 3D consciousness.

Now to reprogram your subconscious mind, we BYPASS the thinking mind.

This is what the audio Activations also do. Your subconscious understands the frequency the meaning and begins to resonate with it. Which shifts your frequency.

The 3D mind with its attachments cannot FIGURE its way out of its seemingly endless problems.

Whether that is society at large. Conditions in the world. Resistance to now, NOT being present NOW is suffering.

The GREAT Part about being present is you SEE things differently than when in 3D. You do not see the same WORLD.

YOU live in a world that is completely different from the world of consciousness based on attachments to past memories.

Those memories are not your enemy. When pushed aside for lifetimes THEY become aspects of consciousness to be listened to.

To be acknowledged. To then be held in the tender arms of love. A Love that is gentle. A love that is unconditional. TRUE love does not judge.

True Love is a state of consciousness.

Just like 3D is a state of consciousness.

Being in Heaven here on Earth is also a state of consciousness.

Many live in different worlds here on Planet Earth.

IT is all a state of consciousness.

IT is not a race to get there.

The 3D mind though, thinks it is. Like making more money, getting that better house, ALWAYS got to get there first. Or get THERE.

OF course that THERE is anywhere but HERE.

That tricky 3D Ego mind of Attachments.

IT never sleeps also. It is a state of consciousness.

Now your subconscious mind, is the deeper level of you where your Blueprint and life plan, exist. It holds the memories of all lifetimes.

IT is like the inner school YOU that is SET on a program that RUNS YOU.

That is right, your subconscious mind is the program that you are LIVING through.

NOW bypassing the conscious mind, through getting deep into the subconscious is a little like playing.

It makes no sense to the conscious mind. It doesn’t have all the answers.

The great part is it doesn’t need to.

IT Only follows the program.

This program within you, that is present even though you are not aware of it as you are reading this, UNDERSTANDS this language.

This language is the truth of how you live through your Blueprint.

This programming has never been against you. Although to the ego, (that never lives in the present moment) it believes this.

We do not need to fix that.

It is taken care of because it truly does not run the show.

The Subconscious program holding your blueprint DOES.

YOU are a SOUL that had a life plan that EXISTS in many forms, in many worlds, simultaneously. In the present moment you know this. Your subconscious mind knows this.

This Soul YOU consists of LIGHT. Light as consciousness.

PICTURE A HUGE program of LIGHT that is the master computer of it all.

YOU are your own unique program held in the field of this master computer.

THE YOU that is aware, knows all of this already. I am speaking to that part now.

NOW to know if something is shifting within you.

YOU will need to be present.

The easiest way to be present IS STAY in constant connection with INSIDE your body.

Your Heartbeat, YOUR inner vibrations. The FEELINGS that you sense that you can tune into. Inside your body.

YOU may feel this even now, suddenly attuned to a vibration, that then creates a feeling in your heart. A truth, a connection. A release. Tears. Whatever you experience. FEEL even more deeply NOW.

This is part of the FEMININE Aspect that seems as though it has been lost to many. Females and Males a like.

After ALL at the Soul level, you are both masculine and feminine. That is why you desire your Twin Flame. The other you.

Of course you know that deep within your subconscious mind.

The ONE YOU that is the ONE unique YOU.

The Frequency that you are as a WHOLE Being OF LIGHT that you are eternally.

YES you never die. The Vehicle body you walk around is not YOU. YOU are the LIGHT that animates it.

And YES you may take this form and it may transform into the LIGHT that you are eternally. That is Ascension.

SO here we are, an activation. A bypass of the what ifs and hows.

A simply little ACTIVATION of Light and VOILA ~ A Transformation.

NOT painful, not long.

DEEP into the area of your consciousness that knows this language.

This language is love and truth. IT is eternal, You are it. And it is you.

The unique YOU.

The ONLY one of you.

The You that is eternal.

That is Light.

That exists AMONG the 3D world and sees the world I see now.

IT is love. It only knows love. That is all it sees and knows.

That is freedom. That is the return to the original LIGHT you.

That my Dear Angels and friends IS ALL NOW.

Attune, FEEL and embrace the feminine principle.

The FEELING part of you that longs to be loved and acknowledged and heard.

Now and forever MORE I am with YOU, in TRUE Endless Love."


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