Saturday, May 27, 2017

Your Biased Self  vs. Your True Self

Your Biased self will be Triggered. 
Your True Self will Not. 

By Bias I am referring to patterns, programs, habits, beliefs, and all that is programmed in  us that is NOT actually ours, yet we act as if it is ours and we trust our Triggers and we React to them as if it is our true self and our real belief system..

This is what we want to draw attention to and to STOP this biased self and make actual choices in the NOW, based on our True Self, based on what we REALLY want in the NOW, in the Real Self version of us, instead of the programs and patterns of the past (our Biased Self)

Most Triggers are automatic, they come up and you react from a place where you think you are acting / reacting / choosing of your own free will.
But you are really reacting / triggering from a place of past patterns, programs and instilled beliefs, of habit, of old energy.

You may feel as if you have no choice to change this. However, you have time, as you sit there, you see the Trigger and you can exercise free will and CHOICE as to whether or not you react / act upon the trigger.  By react I mean accept it as truth and get depressed, feel guilt or shame, feel bad in any way, yell or scream, fight and defend and other low vibration reactions. You can take a moment and sit quietly, feeling and knowing you are Triggered and face, heal the Trigger as it comes up.

For me it is best to remove myself from the room, the trigger and to go meditate, at least at first. Go to a room alone, play meditation music or something to focus your mind on and away from your thoughts. (More tricks on this later). I find it very helpful to play Rife healing sounds for Emotions.

Breath in way down deep and out over and over and then take a look at the Trigger. Look at what words come up to describe your reaction. Look at what excuses, reasons, beliefs come up to defend the Trigger / the reaction.   Is it rational?   Do you really believe it in the now.  What is the thought behind Triggering?  What made you trigger in regard to an outside force, energy or issue? Something outside of you, Some noise, action, person, word, animal, TRIGGERED YOU. Why?

From this point you can see the issue and feel mad, anger or whatever emotion it brings up. Then sit in your NOW, your total belief system and talk to that version of you. Does it make sense for that to have triggered you, is it even believable to this NOW version of you. Or was it a habit, a program, old beliefs, or patterns.

What would it feel like if you went Triggered by that particular thing. Try and see a version of you that was not triggered, what does that look like, feel like?

Ask Spirit to assist you to remove old beliefs, triggers, patterns, programs and REMOVE / Release this for every version of you in every reality, every lifetime, and through your ancestral line from the beginning of time, in any incarnation until this very moment.

State that you remove old programs, patterns, beliefs that cause this trigger. Ask Spirit to assist you.

See the part of your body that is holding that Trigger. Feel the pain, the block. See yourself grab it out and put it into a jar in front of you. Then blow the jar up, exploding into granules of Pure White Light.

Your every thought and every word chooses Realities stronger now than ever.  It is so important that we remain in choice, that we make sure we are actually choosing and not simply reacting as per past patterns and programs.

Yes we really do have a choice as to whether we are TRIGGERED.
When Triggers Come Up we can say I see you, I know you are there, that is not who I am now, that is not mine. And by simply choosing to state this you change the energy, you take away the power of the Trigger.


Triggers are messages from your body. If you are Triggered then there is a deep program, pain, belief that has triggered you. Instead of reacting, ignoring, hurting, getting depressed, self loathing; go into the root issue, go into the location of the pain or belief in your body. Face it, see it, talk to it.

I have found that often when I do this, the original belief makes no sense in this reality. Kind of like using an old rotary dial phone to work a modern day cell phone. It is simply an old program, old invention that is of no use now. I convince it and me that it does not make sense and it goes away.

The next time it comes up, it is way less of a trigger, less pain, less reaction and I do the same thing. Eventually it goes away.

We are in an intense time of clearing. It is wonderful. We must look at every single trigger that comes up. This could be a whole lot in a day. Look at them, assess them, remove connected patterns. I declare so that my own ears can hear, that I revoke any and all past contracts I may have agreed to in any way, in any lifetime since the beginning of time until now, regarding this belief, pattern, trigger.  I ask Spirit to assist me.

I am not saying that you have to do things that trigger you, or be around noises, people or things that Trigger you. I am saying, we must deal with the wound of the Trigger, in this we CHOOSE the reality, the timeline that we really want to live in.

Once the Trigger is meditated on and removed for that day, you may decide that you don’t want to be around that person, event, animal, noise or whatever Triggered you. And that is fine, that is of high vibration. You are then CHOOSING, Acting from a place of choice and not a place of Trigger.

When you are reacting from a place of True Self, it will be a feeling, an intuition, a nudge, a knowing in which has no story with it. You just know. Ego may try and convince you not to listen to this intuitive knowing by feeding you a story, excuses, programs, biases.  Llearn to Trust your True Self by first understanding what is your True Self and what is beliefs that are NOT Yours, Patterns, Old Paradigm contracts, thought addictions, and Programs.

*Reverend Crystal Cox

IF YOU BELIEVE IT IS TRUE. THEN IT IS TRUE FOR YOU. This belief creates your Reality and is the TIMELINE you are living on and heading toward. Pay attention to Your Beliefs and if they are Really YOURS. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Do you do things that others want you to do, even if you are protesting in your mind, your heart? Don’t do this. Trust the feeling in your own body. Your intuition, your body feeling; this is your guide to your true path, to your calling, and creates the life you really want.

You create timelines / realities by every single choice you make or don't make.
Do you do things that others want you to do, even if you are protesting in your mind, your heart? Don’t do this. Trust the feeling in your own body. Your intuition, your body feeling; this is your guide to your true path, to your calling, and creates the life you really want.

You create timelines / realities by every single choice you make or don't make.

Monday, May 22, 2017

the Mandela Effect

You are NOT a Victim of what many call “the Mandela Effect”. Don’t be afraid.

Some say that the Mandela Effect has made them question Everything. YES do that. Think about everything that crosses your mind, your habits, your path. This is about making a choice of who you are RIGHT NOW in this very now. This will assist you to rid yourself of old beliefs and patterns. Many go about their lives in old belief systems, patterns and addictions.

The Mandela Effect, which I prefer Timeline Shift, is really about you paying attention more to each and every choice as, in this you are creating the Timeline, the path, the Reality that you will be moving into and that is your Reality. This is Literal.

I use to think it was a state of mind, something intangible per say. When they say think positive and that thoughts create, and that you are creating your reality right now with your thoughts. I thought this was metaphorically and that positive thoughts would, yes, create a positive future, however I did not think it was a timeline shift, an actual shift to another reality by my thoughts, actions, words beliefs drawing me into that Timeline, that Reality.

Apparently we have always done this. This timeline shifting, now many call the Mandela Effect. After 2012, we had a major shift, a Death per say, and in that the timeline changes became more visible in the physical sense to more of us. With the shifts being more visible, we notice changes that many find disturbing. Take a breath, quite a few, indeed, and focus on what you want to be in your life. Don’t focus on brand names, celebrities, maps, the sky changes, or even your body changes. Simply move through as you have moved to this reality and it is Truly a Gift.

Let’s say you have been selected, or that you are simple AWAKE. If you remember both realities than REJOICE as you are awake. If you remember the old Reality, REJOICE. You are Awake. You are not a VICTIM of what many call the Mandela Effect. You are simply AWAKE.

Meditate. Lay still, ask Spirit to assist you. State what you want your life to be. Focus on what you really want. Don’t let the Mandela Effect chatter and misinformation scare you or keep you from actually making clear choices about the Reality you want.

Do you want FEAR? Than Fear the Mandela Effect. However, it is simply a timeline shift and because you are so amazing, so Awake, you actually KNOW and remember the reality you came from. YAY, Congratulations. Rejoice.

There really is nothing to FEAR. You are infinite. PRAY, talk to you Spirit Guides, your Higher Self, God, Goddess, Spirit. State your intention. Ask for HELP, for Clarity, and don’t be afraid. You are NOT a Victim of the Mandela Effect.

You are a HERO. A Lightworker.

You came here to Earth to be Awake and to Awaken.

Trust YOU.

The Mandela Effect / Facebook Page for more inf ormation

How to Timeline ShiftReality Shift

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Owning The Embodiment: Preparing for the Timeline Shift
 Mar 11, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

As we enter the deeply transformative Gateway of the Equinox, we are presented with another collective trigger passage. It is vital that we unify as one HUman heart grid, one force of Source.

I AM confident most of you are aware of what this Gateway will create for HUmanity.

This is not a passage to flail in the distractions. It is a passage to fully claim ownership of your new template, to own your embodiment, your new expression, and stand in your the Divine right to become your Higher Self in form. This embodiment phase is key to the current frequency shift already underway.

Your core will need to be stable and aligned with your new template in order to receive the Solar codes and transmit them to Gaia, the old and new grid systems, and the HUman heart grid.

Embodiment feels transcendent, deeply peaceful and avatar-like, however we are transitioning in full view of HUmanity in order to Wayshow. Gravitational anomalies, linear time fluctuations, heightened mulitdimensional awareness and dissolvement of the veils are normal side-effects of a dimensional shift. However, what is occurring with the Wayshowers is unique to this planet, and we assist Gaia in revealing her Higher expression through our own lifestreams.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension as the higher frequencies intensify, and reveal the higher truths of Divine Love by example.

We call forth the Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers and Wayshowers to assist in stability and amplification as the embodiment and revelation of the crystalline realm unfolds.

Gateways will be opening on March 13-15 to initiate the unfoldment. Gatework and Gridwork will be consistent for the next three weeks, with the continued Solar focus. Be creative and honor your new skills as they present; all will feel very different as this unfolds.

Unity NOW: Get on Board

We request your light and pure intent to strengthen this Divine passage. Join the Light Tribe during these three 30-minute windows on SUNday: 8:11am Pacific Time, 11:11 am PT, and 5:11pm PT or meditate anytime on SUNday to feel the effects and add your energy to this collective intention of service.

Connect with the HUman Heart Grid, Gaia’s crystalline core, the Crystalline Grid, the New Grid systems, Solaris (the SUN), Great Central Sun, and Source.

Meditate in stillness, focus on peace, Pure Source embodiment and the revelation of crystalline consciousness, or use the guided Christ Light Activation meditation for expansion (free on youtube or mp3 via the download link below). All methods and forms of meditation are welcome; the collective vibrational trigger and unified support is the goal.

Let us unite in peace with the intention to assist Unity/Christ Consciousness.

This is a very powerful passage for HUmanity. Please remember that as old systems break apart, your focus must stay on the higher experience, the highest outcomes.

We connect in this way not only for the acceleration of the Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, offline, without the need for grounded technology. This activity is more powerful outside in nature at this time. Plant your crystals, open the grids and assist in welcoming forth the higher reality."


Energy Update: The Continuation of the Dimensional Shift

May 5, 2017 by Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

The Dimensional Shift that I posted about in my last article which you can find here is still continuing. I advise reading my last article as well to understand what has fully taken place this last week. Many are still experiencing symptoms of the HUGE transformation that has just taken place.

Some of these symptoms are:

Extreme Tiredness
Bouts of Sadness

Bouts of Nausea
Bouts of Dizziness

Feelings of Bliss rotating in and out
Feeling as though not connected to Earth

All of these are happening because of the deletion of the dark timelines I talked about in my last article. As these timelines are deleted, we too will go through a transformation of deletion of the lower remnants of the dark timelines that remain within us.

I like to think of it as comparing it to ELEVATION sickness. As we move to higher frequencies we need to become acclimated  to these higher new levels of awareness. Even though this shift occurred by building through out the months of March and April, it was still a very HEAVY process to go through. We were slammed with Geo Storms for over 30 days out of those 2 months and each time we went through tremendous DNA upgrades which forms the Light Body.

This shift is bringing in HUGE insights into our authentic Selves which is what the Ascension process is all about. Many are being able to now get back in touch with the lost child that had so much promise but got lost along the way.

Many light workers had difficult childhoods and were not understood by their parents. They did not fit the mold their parents wanted them to fit into. This caused tremendous pressure and stress to conform from an early age.

They did not fit the mold because we were not here to be like everyone else and we knew this from a very young age.

This stress may have made them completely loose touch with their authentic selves. Yet NOW is the time with the help of the UNIVERSE and Creator to go back and find this hidden child that has been under layers of programming and conditioning. Now is the time for the awakening of all of the Creators children to shine their unique selves unto the world.

As we become the person we are meant to be… we also then have access to our life purpose and why we came to this realm.

We are becoming more free to become ourselves without restrictions as these old timeline layers drop off. These are the symptoms we are feeling, the old layers dropping off. 

As these old layers drop off we will be left with our new self which then has more connection to the Creator through the higher timelines. Through the connection to the Creator, manifestation becomes easier as I mentioned in my  last article.

Our life purpose is to be our UNIQUE self and become one with the Creator. By doing so we open the flood gates for others to do the same. We do not put restrictions on their unique way of seeing things for all is accepted and Loved. Our life purpose is to bring the SHIFT into fruition for all beings to enjoy. Our life purpose is to keep our vibration high, so all higher timelines can manifest.

The Ascension process through these DIMENSIONAL shifts brings our TRUE Self to the forefront and this takes work on the part of the Starseed to work through to find their authentic self. As we become our REAL self we ultimately merge with all others and form a cohesive Flower of Life that represents all of the unique aspects as a whole. This is how progress as made when we work along side others for the one goal of Ascension.

As new insights occur we must take the action needed to drop off the old layers that no longer work in these higher timelines. 

We are becoming more Galactic with every shift that takes place.

Many can now feel the reality of our Galactic Family close by. They have always been involved with us and are watching us closely during these shifts. It takes no more than to think of them and they will feel the Love we have for them and their help through this process. They are part of us and we are part of them. Through the shift we become more of them having more access to higher timelines of awareness which brings us even closer to THEM. "

"Resolving the Heavy Realities to Intentionally Shift to Higher (Lighter Density) Timelines 

By Lisa Brown, 05/04/2017

The every-moment-realizations of what were unconscious programs, where all still hold self-imposed limitations, where our focus and energy create realities for us to experience here….

Those taking their power back, letting go of the separation-of-time, victim mentalities, putting responsibility back on others instead of taking others unconsciousness on themselves, moving further into abundance and out of all of the lack, in-JOYing the peace and magic of NEW Earth Existences, shedding those heavy/weighing programmed realities quicker (if it’s not easy and in-flow, it’s very obvious where the hold-up is, where the resistance is, where all is unable to align).

Some things are meant to be worked through, to dissolve the energy present, where unification can occur, while other things are meant to be released because they are not meant to align “outside”, yet inside we resolve all back into Unity and allow all realities to play out in their own way.

We choose what we allow in our own field of consciousness to physically experience here.

We all used to hold onto realities, try to make them work… we could see the possibilities, the promise, what “could be”… IF….

In the old unconscious days, that little spark would keep us “hoping & trying” for one day…. this too being our own separation, for if it’s not already present, if it’s a struggle, if it’s a continual “trying process”, then there’s often way too much resistance (I’m not ready) energy still going on….

 As Souls we see the possibilities, see the purposes, see the higher dimensional timelines that “could be”. Yet where different dimensional timelines “cross”, the fully aligned realities may take awhile for each to resolve their own current programming before realities can fully align on a higher dimensional plane of existence here.

The cool part is that as we release all of these realities that don’t support what we know/see, that don’t support what we are here to do/be (as a Soul), then there’s no desire to continue it on forever and run the whole parallel timeline until it collapses/plays itself out. 

Prophetic/Holographic abilities show us in this moment how that timeline can play out. The dominant energy present dictates this…. and it’s easy to choose to “just let go” and call forth the next awesome realities that can align easily…. While continuing to honor each of our own paths that we are currently on right now. .

We let go of the inner struggle, the inner chaos, the inner resistance, the inner need to force or try to fit that square peg in that round hole…..

Peace & Freedom come when we stop fighting inside, when we transcend our own unconscious programs and unify all back into love again.

How fast this occurs will depend on how much current programming we are still holding in our own cellular memory banks and how important it is for us to fully align our own realities instead of waiting until they dissolve/collapse because ALL OF NEW EARTH energetic ingredients are not there…..

When we stop trying to make things work and start listening/seeing/honoring from within, when we truly open up for ease, then ease will enter in.

When honor and integrity to all’s highest vibrational everything on a Soul Level is our priority, then decisions are very different than they were when we lived in our little human realities…..

Soul aligned realities will always be from the super-expanded perspectives of the bigger picture and taking into account “all the little pictures” that play a part of the whole…..

All around us, in every moment are an abundance of opportunities, gifts and possibilities…. our little human only focuses on the small picture and shuts all of these other things out…. When we expand we can see all that is available and how our actions, decisions and focused energy dictates the reality we experience here. What we allow… that creates too…. and there is a, insurmountable amount of “not allowing that” anymore…..Anytime there is unconscious programming, then it’s up to each one of us to see it and choose “how: is most appropriate to deal. This is where each’s MASTERY comes in. For every nano-second will be different because there are so many timelines available simultaneously now.

Pay attention to your stories (about you and others)… These ARE your BELIEVED realities that you hold in place/call forth/anchor/create in the physical here.

Choose your timelines…. it’s just one of your amazing gifts and abilities here! I love you! ♥ "

Source and More
"Organic Timelines of Ascension and Unified Action
 May 6, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our Light level took a jump this week as the May shift began. Gateway passages and unified Grid focus are consistent now, however unified focus during May 9 -11, and the very amplified passage of May 19-21 is requested. Creative energies return to us now, purified, renewed and ready to manifest the New. Use this Light, it aligns you with the Christed timelines.

Organic Timelines of Ascension

For clarity, here is a basic outline of Timeline dynamics for a planetary consciousness. While possibilities are infinite for an individual experience on a planet, we still work within the parameters of the Primary timelines for our creations and experiences here.

Those parameters change as the planet raises in vibration, un-veiling grander opportunities already set in place. Future aspects along the same timeline leave surprises and revelations for us to discover. Timelines reflect the same structure as our torus fields, nested within each other like the planetary torus fields, Solar system, Galaxy, and Universes. See the Torus Fields video for clarity.

Timelines can look like spirals or the loops of a torus field light strand. When I received the 2017 Gateways back in December, the timeline split appeared like DNA spirals splitting apart from each other. A fine representation of how our DNA enables our ability to experience multiple dimensions and timelines simultaneously.

Primary Timelines

Primary planetary timelines are interdimensional; they transverse past, present, and future dimensional bandwidths. The overarching intention of a planetary timeline – such as the return of Christ consciousness – may span millions of years in multiple densities. Even if the planet drops in vibration, the primary timelines remain as a possibility.

Primary Christed Ascension timelines are now amplifying, gaining strength due to Lightworker activities, Gridworkers, Gatekeepers, the Solar and Cosmic stargate openings, and benevolent Higher realm involvement in the Universal rewrite.

By living in the present and embodying the future self – the Higher Self, Christed Self, Galactic Self, etc. (depending on your Soul’s intention) – you resonate with a Primary timeline which traverses dimensions. These higher timelines gain strength as the photonic rays activate remembering of the Ascension process.

True HUman DNA is stimulated in prepared bodies. Structures within the planet, set in place by Starseeds of the past, are awakened by Starseeds of the Now (often the same beings utilizing the Divine HUman genome.) The higher reality is felt and witnessed by the High Vibe Tribe; those who witness and interact with the higher dimensions.

Primary Timelines offer a pure experience of Ascension, and the pure intent of its Creators. They are organic timelines which traverse time-space constructs (toroidal fields). They are also interconnected to the path of other planets and galaxies, such as with our Solar system, neighboring star systems, and Andromeda.

Secondary Timelines

Secondary timelines serve the creative aspect of the collective experience, presenting several possibilities for how the Primary timelines may play out. They operate on vibrational bandwidths, like the Primary timelines, however they are more abundant.

Photonic frequencies create organic Divine order, which makes the higher vibrational experience of Ascension more accessible during the Shift in consciousness. During these Ascension windows, we are able to raise our vibration and align ourselves with a Divine experience of Self and creation.

We create a vibrational match with a higher bandwidth version of Gaia (New Earth), and the higher trajectory of the future, or Primary timeline, by merging with our Higher Self through embodiment.

You may remember my experience of running into myself a few years ago. The possibility of Ascension, created in the future via the higher timeline which traverses multiple dimensions, allows the lower self to access a higher trajectory when engaging with the Ascension process.

We jump timelines, resonating with a higher experience, via the Gateway of the Heart center, Divine Service, consistent alignment and by clearing our lower timeline experiences (karmic closure).

We have multiple secondary timelines complimenting our transition to 5D. This merciful phase allowed the collective to awaken and choose Love, Peace and unity consciousness over the past five years. For those matching the vibration of the Primary timelines, you have been experiencing the dimensional bleed-through of the higher version of Gaia already.

That experience will overwhelm your lower reality as you release attachments of the old self template and embody the New Template of the Divine Self. Pay attention to the Gateways over the next few months, they hold grand opportunities for leveling up.

The major timeline split occurs between Primary and Secondary levels. When Gatekeepers recommend acceleration, it refers to vibrational acceleration. Speed, or vibrating faster, brings purification by utilizing Zero-Point dynamics. Acceleration brightens and lifts the collective experience to align with the higher future trajectory, which is less dense, less influenced by time dynamics. It feels fluid, like the pure liquid light sensation of the Christed experience.

Tertiary timelines

Tertiary timelines are the ones dropping away right now, since the massive influx of the Equinox passage took out all energetic support for synthetic timelines and lesser trajectories. Tertiary timelines are fueled by HUman fear, repeating the same behaviors, emotions and activities of the past (aided by looping programs and corrupted DNA sequences).

When we collectively awaken and actively choose a higher vibrational Primary timeline experience, Secondary timelines are shifted to compliment that collective reality, and tertiary timelines begin to dissolve.

Gatekeepers and Gridworkers are able to remove these lower experiences, because we are unified with our Higher levels in acting in accordance with Cosmic Law and Divine Will.

Primary Timeline Engagement – Taking out the Old

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers in active Service to Source aim to eliminate all which interferes with the organic Ascension experience by September, with consistent focus during the Gateways of May, June, July and the powerful Gateway of the August Solar eclipse (more on that soon). This is a major year, Beloveds. Stay diligent.

The behind-the-scenes activity has been busy. You may have noticed lightship activity increase a few weeks ago. Several beings were escorted off planet; either to be relocated or delivered to realms where they can no longer interfere with the Ascension of this planetary consciousness.

Obviously we cannot remove all negative beings at this juncture, as some serve HUmanity’s self-empowerment journey.

We can remove the programs and Ascension interference, however. Remember things are not always as they seem, all is done with patience and Divine neutrality.

It is not our task to judge these beings or programs, rather we utilize the power of Source-in-Carnate to bind away all of that interference from this planetary consciousness, HUmanity, kingdoms and elementals. This is done to assist at the Secondary timeline level, where most Lightworkers are resonating, to provide an organic experience of the current Light level. It is an act of Divine Will and must be commanded with that vibration, with a pure heart.

Amplifying the Organic Timeline Experience

A man wrote last week that he participated in the Unity Meditations and really felt like part of the Light Tribe. Please note: Light Tribe and High-Vibe Tribe are terms I created a few years ago to identify the collective resonating with these messages. I create a light-encoded container to hold the pure intent of these transmissions, from my greeting of Blessings Beloved Light Tribe to my signature, In Love, Light and Service, Sandra. I encode them to preserve the Divine intent of my service, since these articles are picked up by other websites (I don’t submit content to anyone).

During my activation in 1999, the messages guided me to find my Tribe. In my Mastery, I learned to magnetize Soul groups and Star family. Now we unify all beings of integrity devoted to peace, love, harmony and the Ascension as the Light Tribe. All that is required is participation, and that is part of the Gatekeeper’s credo: Unify and empower all beings pursuing unconditional Love, Christ Consciousness and the Ascension.

Primary Organic Timelines can be amplified – given more light – through our words, thoughts and deeds. As the timeline split progresses, the waiting game loses its grip on Lightworkers.

We align ourselves with the New Earth/5D/Ascension timeline via a wireless unified transmission in the Unity meditations.

Spiritual power is built through consistent practice, and the Global Unity Meditations have created a field of strength, healing and empowerment which strengthens the Ascending Human heart grid each week. When you join this field of collective intent, you accelerate the Ascension. It is easy, feels wonderful, and is open to everyone.

Join us during these three 30-minute windows each SUNday: 8:11am Pacific Time, 11:11 am PT, and 5:11pm PT or meditate anytime on SUNday to feel the effects and add your energy to this collective intention of service.

Connect with the HUman Heart Grid, Gaia’s crystalline core, the Crystalline Grid, the New Grid systems, Solaris (the SUN), Great Central Sun, and Source. Meditate in stillness, focus on Pure Source embodiment and Global Peace, or use the guided Christ Light Activation meditation for expansion (free on youtube or mp3 via the download link below).

Christ Light Expansion

This activity is training us how to connect ORGANICALLY as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology. This prepares us for larger global missions of Unified Service. Thousands are participating; please share with your groups, gatherings and friends of Light. The Higher Realms are able to thread higher frequencies through this activity, and the sensation is beautiful. Join Us!

In Love, Light and Service,

Source and More

Energy Update: The Continuation of the Dimensional Shift
May 5, 2017 by Diane Canfield

By Diane Canfield
Beloved Light Tribe,

The Dimensional Shift that I posted about in my last article which you can find here is still continuing. I advise reading my last article as well to understand what has fully taken place this last week. Many are still experiencing symptoms of the HUGE transformation that has just taken place.

Some of these symptoms are:

Extreme Tiredness
Bouts of Sadness

Bouts of Nausea
Bouts of Dizziness
Feelings of Bliss rotating in and out
Feeling as though not connected to Earth

All of these are happening because of the deletion of the dark timelines I talked about in my last article. As these timelines are deleted, we too will go through a transformation of deletion of the lower remnants of the dark timelines that remain within us.

I like to think of it as comparing it to ELEVATION sickness. As we move to higher frequencies we need to become acclimated  to these higher new levels of awareness. Even though this shift occurred by building through out the months of March and April, it was still a very HEAVY process to go through. We were slammed with Geo Storms for over 30 days out of those 2 months and each time we went through tremendous DNA upgrades which forms the Light Body.

This shift is bringing in HUGE insights into our authentic Selves which is what the Ascension process is all about. Many are being able to now get back in touch with the lost child that had so much promise but got lost along the way. Many light workers had difficult childhoods and were not understood by their parents. They did not fit the mold their parents wanted them to fit into. This caused tremendous pressure and stress to conform from an early age.

They did not fit the mold because we were not here to be like everyone else and we knew this from a very young age.

This stress may have made them completely loose touch with their authentic selves. Yet NOW is the time with the help of the UNIVERSE and Creator to go back and find this hidden child that has been under layers of programming and conditioning. Now is the time for the awakening of all of the Creators children to shine their unique selves unto the world.

As we become the person we are meant to be… we also then have access to our life purpose and why we came to this realm. We are becoming more free to become ourselves without restrictions as these old timeline layers drop off. These are the symptoms we are feeling, the old layers dropping off. As these old layers drop off we will be left with our new self which then has more connection to the Creator through the higher timelines. Through the connection to the Creator, manifestation becomes easier as I mentioned in my  last article.

Our life purpose is to be our UNIQUE self and become one with the Creator. By doing so we open the flood gates for others to do the same. We do not put restrictions on their unique way of seeing things for all is accepted and Loved. Our life purpose is to bring the SHIFT into fruition for all beings to enjoy. Our life purpose is to keep our vibration high, so all higher timelines can manifest.

The Ascension process through these DIMENSIONAL shifts brings our TRUE Self to the forefront and this takes work on the part of the Starseed to work through to find their authentic self. As we become our REAL self we ultimately merge with all others and form a cohesive Flower of Life that represents all of the unique aspects as a whole. This is how progress as made when we work along side others for the one goal of Ascension.

As new insights occur we must take the action needed to drop off the old layers that no longer work in these higher timelines. We are becoming more Galactic with every shift that takes place. Many can now feel the reality of our Galactic Family close by. They have always been involved with us and are watching us closely during these shifts. It takes no more than to think of them and they will feel the Love we have for them and their help through this process. They are part of us and we are part of them. Through the shift we become more of them having more access to higher timelines of awareness which brings us even closer to THEM.

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

We are Collapsing the Timelines we don’t want SIMPLY by Clear Thoughts of what we KNOW we do not want in our life.

You don't have to see your original wound in order to HEAL. You don't have to know what your original wound was or who inflicted it. In this New Energy Earth, all you have to do is Stay in Choice.  Simply Realize that you have CHOICE in every single moment and make that choice.

Every thought; it is a choice to entertain a thought or let it pass, to engage in what the thought is saying or to simply NOT talk story with that thought. It is a choice to examine, Hey is that my Belief or someone else's. You have a choice to always go the direction that feels better to you.

You can choose to let go of Shame, Guilt, Have To's, Old Programs, Patterns, and what others want you to do and who they want you to be.

You don't have to live a life that makes other people comfortable with who you are, your choices or beliefs. No matter who they are. You have Choice.

There are times where you are living, working, school or other situations where you feel you do not have CHOICE.  It is a Wound Triggered Yes. However, it is Also a Choice.  When dealing with the wound in this situation remember to breath deeply and to find the CHOICE.

You can choose where you stay, live, and who you are around. It may feel that there are times of no Choice. I understand. I have felt this way myself, where I have no personal choice over the space around me, or who comes to my door, even my own family. However, all we can do in that is state our need, find peace in our mind and actively seek to get away from that energy to the best of our ability and choices in that moment. We have choice over mind and thought, YES. However, I am not saying to endure what you don't want in your life just because you can have a better thought about it. I am saying to create a life where those people, energies, things are not in it, to the best of your moment to moment ability.  You have a a Right to be in the Energy of your choice.

You don't have to dig into your past and find an original wound to fix.

You can simply choose what feels best to you in every single moment.

Sometimes the best thought may be the excitement of changing your situation or who is in your life or around you. Then love that thought, allow that thought.

Every Choice you make changes your Timeline. Even if its a choice to be excited about changing your current situation, environment, job, home or other events in your life. Sometimes just the thought and excitement of change can relieve the wound energy and open up a new timeline. It is also affirming what you KNOW you don't want in your life.

*Reverend Crystal Cox

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Your WORLD Revolves around your Emotional State. YES your WORLD really Does REVOLVE and CREATE around YOU, your Thoughts, your Words, Your Actions. 
Use Your Mind To Change Reality
Question from Group: 

"What if the timeline we are on is all that is actually holding us here? We have discussed time and been disgusted by it, it is one of main control mechanism currently in place. I like to see us as bound to it like a magnet and if we can shift the poles on the bitch, bam! we be free! whatcha think?"

Answer from Reverend Crystal Cox:

We are not in a time of "what if" this or "what if" that. We get to decide what we believe, then this CREATES our individual timeline, experience, life, REALITY for US individually.

The "timeline we are on" IS what is holding us here. It is about individual clearing of old programming at this time, a cleanse per say, before we move on to a higher dimension / a higher frequency Timeline / Reality.

We are moving into "non-time". Time does not really exist. There is only the NOW.  So in the NOW we are clearing any programming that we don't want in our NOW. This is a process.

We are only "bound to" what we are programmed to believe we are bound to.

Question from Group: 

"The question I have for you is about collapsing the timelines of people with addictive personalities. Not the heroin addict who is slowly killing himself or the drunk who beats his wife or the gambler who looses everything and causes his family to live on the street but the person who gets side tracked every few years by one or the other. I am sure that this type of “timeline” is created by a single event in ones life but what if that person can’t find that event in his memory but he knows it is there, how does someone get there to face it?"

Answer from Reverend Crystal Cox:

The heroin addict, drunk, abuser that you use in your example; that is NOT created by a "single event". It is created by a series of choices, thoughts, actions and an ongoing thought, word, choice action process.  We are NOT in a TIME of "facing events" or remembering things we don't remember. We are feeling and remembering that in which comes up and allowing it to move through, unjudged by you, the observer. This will heal the energy and bring it to a higher frequency simply by observing it in this higher state of being, frequency, dimension.

Every moment creates. You don't have to remember something to NOT create it in your now. If the thought, desire, addiction comes up, simply look at it and let it pass. You can say that's not mine, that is not my thought, that's not me and let it pass. It is simply one of your ego's trying to drag you into old programming, patterns and storylines in order to keep you from merging into a higher frequency self. You don't have to believe your every thought.

The "addict" is only created by a thought that you take action on. If you let the thought pass, say that's not mine, you move that version of you out of your reality, your NOW timeline and then that version of you eventually collapses forever. That 3D version / timeline will eventually collapse if you don't feed it with your thoughts, actions or believing it is you in the NOW.

The past does not matter as far as creating new higher vibration timelines. If the life you really want is and addict then that will play out, if it is not then the higher dimensional you will play out.

You don't have to "FACE IT". Ignore it, don't feed it. If the memory comes up, just feel it, don't judge you in the memory, just look at it, feel it and let it pass. 

We are ALL in a time now of extreme personal choice. Every choice you make in thought, word and action creates your timeline. I am not concerned with who I turn off. I post as led by Spirit and my Higher Self. Those who find the information and align with it will. That Simple.
GROUP Question:   "ok ether im having a stroke or another timeline is collapsing can anyone else feel this I FEEL SO FUCKING MESSED UP"

Reverend Crystal Cox Answer:

Timelines are Collapsing ALL the TIME. Every moment this is happening. Every word you say and thought you have is collapsing a Timeline, a way of life.

When you intensely say "I FEEL SO FUCKING MESSED UP" then this is the Timeline you are encouraging. It is not about what anyone else feels it is about YOU. This is very personal. Yes we are moving in groups, but only in relation to Mass Consciousness as in those of us who have the same thoughts, words, and lives. As our Thoughts, WORDS, Actions - ALL Co-Create Realities / Timelines.

We are in 4D now and we are clearing 3D timelines for good. Therefore everything we say and do creates a collapse of one way of life, one reality, a timeline; as we move toward the life we really want to live, the timeline/reality we really want to live in.

It is not about focusing on each new little or big change, it is about moment to moment choice of what we want in our reality. If you want to feel "FUCKING MESSED UP" than your words create more of that. Be more specific in your mind, what is messed up, what do you want different, You are the one creating YOUR perceptions, timelines, Realities.