Thursday, May 4, 2017

Question from Group: 

"The question I have for you is about collapsing the timelines of people with addictive personalities. Not the heroin addict who is slowly killing himself or the drunk who beats his wife or the gambler who looses everything and causes his family to live on the street but the person who gets side tracked every few years by one or the other. I am sure that this type of “timeline” is created by a single event in ones life but what if that person can’t find that event in his memory but he knows it is there, how does someone get there to face it?"

Answer from Reverend Crystal Cox:

The heroin addict, drunk, abuser that you use in your example; that is NOT created by a "single event". It is created by a series of choices, thoughts, actions and an ongoing thought, word, choice action process.  We are NOT in a TIME of "facing events" or remembering things we don't remember. We are feeling and remembering that in which comes up and allowing it to move through, unjudged by you, the observer. This will heal the energy and bring it to a higher frequency simply by observing it in this higher state of being, frequency, dimension.

Every moment creates. You don't have to remember something to NOT create it in your now. If the thought, desire, addiction comes up, simply look at it and let it pass. You can say that's not mine, that is not my thought, that's not me and let it pass. It is simply one of your ego's trying to drag you into old programming, patterns and storylines in order to keep you from merging into a higher frequency self. You don't have to believe your every thought.

The "addict" is only created by a thought that you take action on. If you let the thought pass, say that's not mine, you move that version of you out of your reality, your NOW timeline and then that version of you eventually collapses forever. That 3D version / timeline will eventually collapse if you don't feed it with your thoughts, actions or believing it is you in the NOW.

The past does not matter as far as creating new higher vibration timelines. If the life you really want is and addict then that will play out, if it is not then the higher dimensional you will play out.

You don't have to "FACE IT". Ignore it, don't feed it. If the memory comes up, just feel it, don't judge you in the memory, just look at it, feel it and let it pass. 

We are ALL in a time now of extreme personal choice. Every choice you make in thought, word and action creates your timeline. I am not concerned with who I turn off. I post as led by Spirit and my Higher Self. Those who find the information and align with it will. That Simple.

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