Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Make a Quantum Leap to a Better World

"Quantum physics is a relatively new discipline, dating back only to 1900.  It is the branch of physics that uses quantum theory to explain the nature and behavior of matter and energy (our reality). There are competing theories that give different explanations for the strange happenings that take place on the quantum level.  The two major interpretations of quantum theory’s implications for the nature of reality are the Copenhagen interpretation and the Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) that implies parallel universes.
According to various polls, the Copenhagen Interpretation and the MWI have a similar share of the votes among physicists, but many of the ‘big names’ (Hawking, Feynman, Deutsch, Weinberg) have subscribed to the MWI and it appears to be gaining a wider acceptance.  In recent years MWI has been proven, to some extent, both mathematicallyand experimentally. See also: “First evidence that other universes exist alongside our own”, and “CERN scientists eye parallel universe breakthrough.”
I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” ~ Richard Feynman
The weirdness of quantum physics can be seen in the famous double-slit experiment. It shows that individual photons seem to split into two particles which can nevertheless interfere with each other as if they were waves (see the video below).
The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Physics
In the ‘Copenhagen Interpretation’, which was formulated by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg while collaborating in Copenhagen around 1927, the universe is assumed to be divided between quantum wave functions and conscious observers. The quantum wave function is not a physical wave.  It is a purely mathematical wave that describes all of the possible results (e.g., all of the possible positions) that could be obtained.  It represents the probability (not the certainty) that a specific result (e.g., a position) will be obtained.
Prior to an observation, the wave function is assumed to exist over all space (superposition). At the moment of observation, the wave function is assumed to change irreversibly from a description of all of the possibilities to a description of only the event that is observed.  This is called wave function reduction, or “collapsing the wave” (as shown in the above video).
No physical mechanism can cause the collapse of the wave. Thus, the collapse requires a nonphysical mechanism: the observation by (the consciousness) of the observer.  In short, consciousness creates reality.
The ‘Many-Worlds’ Interpretation of Quantum Physics
“There are vibrations of many different universes right here, right now. We’re just not in tune with them. There are probably other parallel universes in our living room–this is modern physics. This is the modern interpretation of quantum theory, that many worlds represent reality.” ~ Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist, Professor and Best-selling Author
The Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics was formulated in 1957 by Hugh Everett III, in his Princeton Ph.D. thesis. In Everett’s “many worlds” universe, each possible outcome during a person’s life is played out in an alternate universe. This means that the number of alternative scenarios in each person’s life is virtually endless.
According to many-worlds all the possible outcomes of a quantum interaction are realised. The MWI holds that as soon as a potential exists for any object to be in any state, the universe of that object transmutes into a series of parallel universes equal to the number of possible states in which that the object can exist, with each universe containing a unique single possible state of that object.
The wavefunction, instead of collapsing at the moment of observation, carries on evolving in a deterministic fashion, embracing all possibilities embedded within it. All outcomes exist simultaneously but do not interfere further with each other, each single prior world having split into mutually unobservable but equally real worlds (see the figure below).
Many Universes Interpretation of Quantum Phyics
Furthermore, there is a mechanism for interaction between these universes that permits all states to be accessible in some way and for all possible states to be affected in some manner.
Another implication of MWI is that time doesn’t exist in a coherent, linear motion. Instead, it moves in jumps and starts, existing not as a line, but as branches. These branches are as numerous as the number of consequences to all of the actions that have ever been taken.
For more information, there are three excellent documentaries on Parallel Universes on YouTube: “Parallel Universes” by BBC Horizon, “Parallel Universe” by the History Channel, and “Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives” by BBC Four  that delves into the lives of Hugh Everett III (whose MWI was not widely accepted until well after he died of a heart attack at age 52) and his son, Mark Everett -lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist of the Eels rock band.
Quantum Leap
In physics, a quantum leap or quantum jump is a change of an electron within an atom from one energy state to the next. This is a discontinuous change in which the electron goes from one energy level to another without passing through any intermediate levels.  In terms of day-to-day living, a quantum leap is a sudden highly significant advance; a breakthrough.  Can you create a significant advance in your life, a breakthrough, by simply changing your vibration and leaping to a parallel reality?
Make a Quantum Leap to a Better World in a Parallel Reality

Do you want a better life?  Do you want to live in a better world – where materialism, greed, lies, and corruption are replaced by love, cooperation, truth, compassion?  What if you could just change your frequency to be like that of the life and the world that you prefer, and this would cause you to jump to parallel earth where that already exists?
Be warned, we are transitioning here from the scientific principles to unproven spiritual principles.  And, we are basing everything that follows on the belief that MWI is correct. That is, there are an infinite number of parallel universes with an infinite number of parallel earths, each of a different vibration, representative of a different reality.
Be the change that you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
What you are vibrating or pulsing out is what will be reflected in your reality.  That is the law of attraction: like attracts like.  But, we take it a step further here. You don’t use the law of attraction just to acquire things.  You use it to move yourself to a better world. Gandhi knew what he was talking about.  You don’t have to change the world.  You change yourself and thereby change the world that you are on.
Do not envision what you WANT to have happen in your life.  See it and act as it already is. It is not a future event.  You need to visualize it in the present moment that it is that way and so it shall be.
When you see it and align with it as being that way, you put yourself on another now moment where that is where it is. And, that is how form takes place.  You put yourself on another now moment in a parallel reality.
When you think of it that way, it doesn’t feel like heavy lifting.  There is not something that you have to go and move.  You move yourself.  You don’t have to move the world.  You move yourself to a world where that exists.  This is much, much easier.
“It’s not in a sense, that you change the world that you are in.  In fact, you change your frequency to be like that of the world that you prefer to experience and experience that parallel earth that already exists.  It may look like everything around you has changed. But, in fact, it is you that have changed.  And, in a sense, you have shifted yourself to a world in which there already exists the version of the other people that are germane to that world – that are on the same frequency of that world.   Those who are not on that frequency will no longer appear in your reality.  They will simply vanish from your life, one way or another.” ~ Bashaar
The following text is a transcript from a portion of the above video titled “Bashar – Infinite Number of Parallel Earths to Choose From”:
“There is already existing an infinite number of parallel earths, each of a different vibration, representative of a different reality.
The vibration that you change to will determine which earth you experience that already contains the people that are already germane to that vibration.
The people around you may seem to change, but that is an illusion of continuity.  Or, they may not seem to change.
What you have done by changing yourself, you’ve simply shifted your consciousness to parallel reality where those vibrations can no longer exist.  You haven’t changed them.
And, if you are still interacting with versions of them, that’s what you’re interacting with.  You are not interacting with a changed person; you are interacting with a version of that person that already existed in that reality that is germane to that reality.
All of these parallel realities already exist.  Changing your world is not actually changing your world.  It’s leaving one world for another – shifting your frequency to a different program that is already running on your giant TV of the universe.
That’s what it is and that’s why it is said that if you want to change anything in your world, all you have to really do is to change yourself.  You will take yourself to a world where that change will be reflected to you because that change already exists naturally in that world.
And, thus then the idea of giving positive meaning to your experience will allow you to extract a positive affect and a positive experience for yourself.  Remember, we said that the only thing that is real is experience.  That’s it.  Everything else is in that sense is simply a symbol, a reflection, of experience.
The only thing that is real is experience. Physical reality is not real, empirically, unto itself.   There is no out there. There is no out there.  That is the illusion.  It’s all here, it’s all now.”
For an example of a woman who performed a quantum leap to a parallel reality, see the video below: "

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