Monday, October 17, 2016

Your Changing Reality

"You take for granted that your reality will be the same tomorrow as it is today. When, in fact, it changes constantly, without your knowledge .....

Physical reality's inner structure is quite chaotic to the order you perceive on the outside. Physical reality merely appears stable because your consciousness automatically changes with the undertow of events. Time and space and your past and future change constantly -- and without your conscious knowledge as part of this inner chaos.

You may wonder how come you are unaware of say your future and your past changing. Well, when your reality shifts, so does your memory of occurring events.

As far as you are concerned, yesterday was the same as today, because your remembered yesterday fits in with your remembered today.

Some of these changes to your remembered time line are more apparent than others, while other changes are not so apparent or as subject to alteration. The importance of events in your life often determines how much that item can change.

For instance, if you value your marriage greatly, then those remembered past events will resist changing to a greater degree than other less important memories.

Like the memory of what you wore to a party last month, may not be important or relevant to you, so that item could change greatly from one day to the next. You, of course, would be completely unaware of the change in your past because your memory of what you wore would change too.

You can catch this fluidic nature of events, many times, when two people try to recount what happened on some previous event. Each person may have dissimilar accounts of what transpired.

In many of these cases, both people experienced the event as each person remembers; however, each person's individual reality has shifted, with one person experiencing the event one way while the other experiencing it another.

At one time, these two people did share the same event, but because of physical reality's fluidic undertow, each person, now, has moved into a different remembered version of the event and to a different probability. (Naturally, here, we're talking about an actual shift in probabilities and not some person manipulating the remembered events to his or her advantage.)

This shifting of events is part of the natural way that physical reality operates. In fact, many realities, the dream plane as well as the astral and mental planes, possess this shifting all the time. The only difference being, when a change does occur in a nonphysical plane, that change is immediately apparent.

This immediate knowing is due to the fact that in a nonphysical environment, there is no physical brain. Your core consciousness is the governing intellectual factor when you are nonphysical.

Your consciousness rides on top of changes and, as a consequence, perceives changes directly. But, within physical reality, the physical brain becomes the dominant intellectual factor, and it rides underneath the changes and, as such, is subject to the effects of the changes.

The time and space medium of the physical plane is meant as a reflective environment and stability is necessary so that in-built reflection mechanism can have its learning effects.

You see! The future, past, and present change constantly in a nonphysical environment. This changing is part of the natural order of things and allows for the greatest of creative freedom.

However, in physical reality, stability is important and achieved at the cost of some creative freedom. This stability, naturally, gives you a chance to observe, ponder, and reflect on your creations. But, this stability is not as solid as you might think.

Some leeway must be allowed, otherwise it would be impossible for you, as an individual, to experience your own creation. If no leeway was allowed, the reality that you would perceive would be very restrictive.

For example, in such an environment, there would be no rich people or poor people, happy people or sad people, no various makes and models of your many and varied devices.

There would only be one of each, and your reality would be identical to everyone else's'. Obviously there would be little point or need for such an environment, so a compromise was arrived at.

This compromising of some creative freedom - but not all - gives pseudo-stability to physical reality and allows for various individual realities within a mass reality.

Your reality created amass is your political and global situation, representing the cumulative thoughts of everyone involved. Your reality amass, also, is the most stable. As you get down to realities on an individual basis, the stability begins to waver.

For example, it is possible to live in a poor country and be a rich man. Here, the mass reality is one of poverty; however, the individual reality is one of wealth.

To accomplish this flexibility of reality creating, while offering some kind of stability, compromises had to be made. So, a rock-solid past, future, and present is less possible on an individual basis, to give the individual more creative freedom.

It is much easier for an individual to go from a state of poverty, to a state of wealth, than it is for a country to do the same.

Probability lines have much to do with this flexibility. Let's use the poor man becoming a rich man as an example, to help clarify our point.

For the poor man to become rich in the future, he must change his present probability line by jumping off the poverty line and jumping on to the wealth line. This example, thus far, may seem simplistic; however, you must also remember that when you jump to a new probability line, you are in a new probability.

Quite often, the future probability is not the only thing that is different in the new probability line. The past probability, too, could be and most likely is different.

Now, one or two probability lines is not going to change your past or your future very much. But, if the poor man wants to become rich and do that in a hurry, some major probability jumping will have to occur. This jumping involves grabbing hold of the closest approximation to your present reality but onto a new reality that is going in your desired direction.

After four, five, or even twenty probability jumps, the remembered past and the future will most likely be quite different. It must be for the poor man to become rich! Naturally, as you change from one probability to another, so does your memory of events.

The point here is that your reality is constantly changing. You could not enjoy the creative freedom, individually, that you do, if your reality did not change. At times you can glimpse this phenomena by looking at life's subtleties: hearing a new passage in an old song or seeing a never before noticed old sign on a road that you travel frequently.

Your memory shifting is rarely complete and if you look hard enough, you will see clues when you shift to a new probability line. In fact, if your reality shift is great enough, it can take several days for your new past memory to catch up with you.

For a bit, you are likely to remember things that happened in an old probability but did not occur in your new one. However, don't worry, in a few days, you will just excuse it away as some mental lapse or something, as everyone else seems to do.

Now, before I have a memory lapse of my own, let me return to my reality while I let you get back to yours. And remember! If you think yesterday was different today, it probably was ... or is?"

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